Save Money on Your Pets

According to the ASPCA, the cost of maintaining one medium-sized dog in your household during the first year is more than $1,500. A cat will need just more than $1,000. This is after the initial costs of adoption or purchase, it does not take into account specialized food, and it and only considers the minimal amount of toys and equipment (carriers and holiday presents not included). Multiple animals require, obviously, most cost outlay. Still, there are ways to reduce those costs while still having happy pets. Here are some common expenses related to pet care, along with ways to reduce … Continue reading

Coupons Can Cost You Money

Coupons can be a wonderful way to reduce your grocery bill. The cost of food can be high these days, and cents-off coupons make sense. Just make sure that when you use coupons, you use them carefully. Otherwise, you may actually see your grocery bill balloon to new heights. How can coupons raise your grocery bill? The basic answer is that coupons are actually calculated to get you to spend money by enticing you to purchase a product. They work really well at doing this, which is why manufacturers continue to offer them. If you aren’t careful, you could get … Continue reading

Five Bargain Products that Aren’t Worth the Savings

Looking for the least expensive version of a product is usually a good idea, except for when it isn’t. The following five bargain products may wind up costing you more of your hard-earned money in the end. Paper Towels Usually when you buy cheap paper towels, you wind up using more of them, negating any real savings. A better bet is to bring down the cost of more expensive brands by using coupons and sales and buying in bulk. You can also eliminate most of your paper towel use by substituting greener options. Using inexpensive wash clothes, chamois cloths, or … Continue reading

7 Ways to Save on Cereal

Cold cereal can be a quick and easy breakfast, not to mention nutritious, if you select it carefully. With less than a minute to spare, the first meal of the day can be on the table, and your morning can commence. Cereal can also serve as easy-to-eat snacks, packed in lunch boxes or available after school and on car trips. The problem with cold cereal, though, is that it tends to be on the expensive side for the amount purchased, plus it can be consumed very quickly. Depending on your family size and dynamics, a $4 box of cereal could … Continue reading

Five Tips to Save on Organic Food

Organic food is usually more expensive than conventional food. There are a number of factors as to why this is the case. Organic farmers don’t get the government subsidies that most conventional farmers do. This means that the cost of organic food reflects the actual price of growing the food.  In addition, organic farming and producing organic products is usually more labor intensive. Despite the higher costs, there are ways to save on organic food. Reduce your food budget and still enjoy the benefits of feeding your family organic with the following five tips. Use Coupons and Sales Manufacturers and … Continue reading

12 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Grocery Bill

It is never too early or too late to reduce your regular expenses, especially one of the biggest ones, foo. Here are 12 easy ways that you can reduce your food bill, starting now.   1. Never shop when you are hungry (or with kids, if you can avoid it). Both situations will lead to overbuying, as extra things find their way into your grocery cart. You may have good intentions, but hunger and kids will usually prevail.   2. Look for stores that double coupons and be on the alert for triple coupon days.   3. Use your coupons … Continue reading

Are Rechargeable Batteries Cost Effective?

Rechargeable batteries may be good for the environment, but they may not be good for your budget. They are rarely cost effective except in certain instances. If you are thinking about purchasing rechargeable batteries and the battery chargers that go with them, take a look at the whether or not they would really make sense. Making an Investment Getting started using rechargeable batteries requires an investment. You have to purchase one or more battery chargers, and a few sets of batteries. If you don’t want to be without your devices for a day or more when your batteries run out, … Continue reading

Online Shopping Secrets: Seven Websites that Will Save You Money

Grab the lowest prices on everything you buy online by checking out the following seven websites before you make a purchase. and Check and for coupons and coupons codes that you can use to get discounts on the things that you buy online. There are coupon codes for both products and online stores. In some cases, you’ll also find rebates to redeem. Just search for the store or the product to see what might be available. Some coupon codes are straight forward, such as 10 percent off a purchase or free shipping, while others have specific … Continue reading

6 Products that Pay You Back

With a tiny investment, you can reap great savings rewards. Get a hold of the following products, frugally of course, and start saving now. Netflix or Hulu For just $8 a month, you can have access to hit television shows, movies, specials, sports, news and more. Compare that to $75-$300 a month for cable. Plus, with streaming, you can get your entertainment anywhere. You may already have everything you need to play streaming videos on your television. The Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and most Blu-ray players already offer a streaming feature. If you don’t currently own one of those … Continue reading

Are You Shopping at the Right Grocery Store? Four Steps to Save 20 Percent or More

Choosing the right grocery store can save you 20 percent or more on groceries before using coupons. If you were buying a big ticket item, such as a television or a new washer and dryer, you would do some research and shop around, right? Since food tends to be the biggest general family expense after housing, it just makes sense to do your research before you step foot in your grocery store. Just spending $225 a week on your groceries, adds up to almost $12,000 a year!Imagine shaving close to $2,400 off of that total food bill, doing nothing other … Continue reading