Get Your Body Ready

If you are trying to conceive, then you are probably wondering what, if anything can you do to optimize your chances of having a happy, healthy, safe pregnancy. Getting your body ready is a great start. I never realized how much pregnancy and childbirth truly does change a woman’s body until I had two kids. Now, I know that it affects the woman’s body both during pregnancy and after. Unfortunately, some negative changes are permanent, but getting your body in the best shape possible before pregnancy is the best way to bounce back after the baby arrives. Here are a … Continue reading

Blowing It As a Mother

I sit here with a pit in my stomach. I will probably spend the rest of the day beating myself up over the less than stellar moments I had this morning as a mother. There is just nothing worse than sending your child off to school on a bad note. Even worse…to send your child off to school with them in tears—I don’t think my last minute attempts at an apology really resonated in his heart. It has been a bad couple of weeks, just a lot of stressful things happening. It’s been everything from medical bills, to school situations, … Continue reading

Parents in the News: They Did What?

Feeling guilty about the 10-minute ear-piercing tirade you treated your rule-breaking teen to this morning? Don’t. After reading what the following father exposed his child to, your long-winded diatribe may seem like a gift to your kid in comparison: DIET FROM HELL Who knew Satan’s real name was Bob? According to police in Las Vegas, Robert “Bob” Blue, has got a lot to learn in the parenting department. The Sin City father allegedly chained his 15-year-old daughter to her bed because he felt she was overweight. Police say Blue used shackles to keep his child out of the kitchen and … Continue reading

A Fall Down the Stairs And Healthcare Savings

Have you been putting off that trip to the doctor because you’ve been so busy with the holidays? I found out this week that if you can get those appointments in before the turning of the new year, you can save big money. There is no doubt health care costs are rising. I shudder every time we have to go to a doctor, and as a mom, I’m usually guilty of putting off my own health care. About two weeks ago, I started developing knee pain. Like anything else, I put it off. Until one day last week when I … Continue reading