
Talk about a pain in the rear end… and the lower back, and the backs of the legs! Sciatica is a common problem that can range from mildly irritating to severe and debilitating. It all starts with the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from your lower back down the back of each leg. Sciatica is a common type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve, a large nerve extending from the lower back down the back of each leg. If you have sciatica, you may experience some or all of the following symptoms: Pain in the lower back/rear end that is … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Kids Pajamas

Do you want to cut down on your expenses? Every little bit counts, and the $50-$100 or more you’ll save every year on kids pajamas can go toward other things you need or just in savings to build up your emergency fund. With three kids, I’ve learned some tricks about saving money on pajamas. Here are my tips. Buy every other size Children grow quickly, so for pajamas, I always skip a size. because this is night time wear, the pajamas don’t have to fit perfectly. Also, most pajamas are pretty roomy width- wise, so even the smaller sizes aren’t … Continue reading

Children of Single Parents are More Likely to be Obese

Not only are scientists saying that Children of Single Dads See Doctors Less, they are now reporting that children of single parents are far more likely to be obese. The reasons they give behind it aren’t surprising either, though are concerning. Approximately 43% of marriages end in divorce, and that’s not including the children born into single parent situations from the start. 80% of children who are obese as children will continue to be obese as adults. According to a new study in Canada, children of single parents are 40% more likely to be obese than any other children. This … Continue reading

A Warning About A Potentially Deadly Staph Infection

My teenage cousins recently wrapped up the school year, but they didn’t come home empty handed. Each student athlete received a letter regarding a potentially deadly staph infection that attacks the skin. It’s called Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA. According to the information provided by the school and county health department, it is contagious and frightening. MRSA is considered by medical experts as a superbug, which means it is resistant to antibiotics and by all accounts it is rapidly spreading among athletes (both amateur and professional). The letter was sent to parents to inform them about MRSA and to list … Continue reading

Eight Quick Fixes For Body Aches

Use ice to ease the ache. Keep a paper cup of ice in the freezer and just peel it away for instant relief. Apply the ice for five minutes, then give yourself five minutes to warm up a bit. Give yourself time to heal. If you’re a believer in “no pain, no gain” it is time to change the way you think! Gentle exercise is okay; pushing yourself to the point of severe pain is not. But getting the blood flowing will help promote healing. Sore muscles from that workout? Eat tart (not sweet!) cherries or drink tart cherry juice. … Continue reading

Should You Let Your Special Needs Child…gulp…Date?

If you’re like me, this topic makes you say, “Yikes.” There’s something really nerve-wracking about the idea that our special needs child might someday date. This is especially true for parents of children with cognitive disabilities such as Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, and so forth. These children can be particularly vulnerable and it’s hard to imagine them handling any kind of romantic friendship, no matter how innocent. (Let’s face it, it’s not always pleasant picturing our neuro-typical kids dating either.) Here are some tips I would offer: Don’t panic. First, recognize that often times these special adolescents don’t even … Continue reading