Walking in a Winter Wonderland – Snow shoeing

Show shoeing is a fantastic winter sport that most of us can do and is the equivalent of walking in the snow – without slogging in the snow. Whether you enjoy skiing or not, snow shoeing is worth checking out and what other way can you go walking in a beautiful winter wonderland while getting a good workout at a same time. Your body generates a great deal of body heat and will burn a great many calories during snow shoeing and you’ll discover that it’s far from a cold sport at all. One of the greatest boons of snow … Continue reading

Walking Injuries – What You Need to Know & More

We talked a little about some of the walking injuries you may sustain during a walking program and today, I want to talk about a few more that may crop up during your walking routine. When we understand what an injury is about, we can learn how to treat it and potentially to avoid letting it cripple us. Other walking injuries you may sustain: Neuroma Shin Splints Runner’s Knee Stress Fractures Bursitis These don’t sound very comfortable across the board and in many ways they aren’t. So let’s talk a bit more about what these injuries are and what impact … Continue reading

The Fitness Week in Review – October 7 – 13

Can you believe we’re already halfway through October? The days are slipping past at high speed and I feel like we’re busy all the time. Every weekend, we’ve been making a conscious decision to take a break from running on the hamster wheel and relaxing together. Part of the relaxation for me, includes catching up on my reading. The Week in Review is a small effort on my part to help you catch up on any reading or articles you may have missed this week in the fitness blog. Saturday, October 7 Since our last week in review, we discussed … Continue reading

What is Moderate-Intensity Exercise?

The government suggests that Americans engage in 150 minutes of “moderate-intensity physical activity” per week. But, have you ever wondered what qualifies as “moderate-intensity” exercise? Is it defined as walking, jogging, running, hiking, or does raking leaves count? Fitness experts have determined that a rate of at least 100 steps per minute achieves moderate-intensity activity. Meaning that if you were to purchase a basic pedometer and record 3000 steps in 30 minutes, then you would be participating in moderately intense exercise, and therefore engaging in a meaningful fitness program. For the record, pedometers are unable to measure activity intensity. However, … Continue reading

Steps in Santa Monica

It’s one of the most popular fitness destinations in the United States. The “Steps in Santa Monica” provide runners, walkers and climbers with a workout that’s second to none. The stairs were installed in the 1920’s so children who lived at the top of the steep incline could get to the school down below. But about a decade ago the staircase became an exercise destination, and now on any given weekend 1,500 people make it their workout destination of choice. In addition to the vigorous workout the stairs yield, the 172 steps also lead to some of the most gorgeous … Continue reading

Spring Into Spring with an Outdoor Workout

With the weather warming up (at least in some places), you might consider moving your fitness routine outdoors. Whether it’s a bike ride around the neighborhood or a hike at your favorite state park, the opportunities to burn calories in the great outdoors are seemingly endless. If you enjoy soaking up the scenery while you sweat, then consider signing up for one of the following outdoor races being offered across the country this spring: April 4th–Pole Pedal Paddle (Jackson, Wyoming). Enjoy the Tetons as a backdrop for this skiing, biking and boating race. April 16-19–Sea Otter Classic. A biking competition … Continue reading

Why You Should Get Your Kids to Jump Rope

Did you know that 15 percent of American children are overweight or obese? Even more alarming is the fact that according to the Centers for Disease Control, that number has doubled in the past two decades. As a result, doctors say parents should encourage their children to engage in any kind of activity to get them moving. Jumping rope is not only good for boosting your mood during cold, gloomy winter days, but it is also a simple and fun exercise that burns calories. If your child has shifted into couch potato mode and you are looking for a way … Continue reading

Athletes Embracing Yoga

You don’t have to be a Hollywood actress, a college-coed or flexible fitness fanatic to excel at yoga, just ask the dozens of athletes (professional and amateur) who have discovered the benefits of this ancient exercise option. NFL football players, pro golfers and stars of the NBA are speaking out about why they have turned to yoga in order to enhance their performance on the field, the golf course and on the court. According to the pros, yoga is one of the best ways to cross-train for a variety of sports, including running, surfing, swimming and skiing, where the body … Continue reading

Hot New Exercise for 2009

It’s the latest fitness trend and it doesn’t require a lot of expensive equipment or coordination. Nordic walking is consider the “it” exercise for 2009, according to fitness experts. The simple sport originated in Finland and spread throughout Europe. It is especially popular in Sweden, Norway, Germany, and now people in North America are embracing the trend that includes a couple of poles and desire to burn calories. These days Nordic walking is growing in popularity in places such as California, Vermont, Colorado, Arizona, Maryland and Florida where health clubs offer introductory classes. Fitness experts say the pole walking exercises … Continue reading

Joint-Friendly Exercise

I fell in a hole this week while I was walking the dogs. We were at a local park, exploring all sorts of new sights and smells… and I just stepped where I shouldn’t have. My ankle turned and I was on my hands and knees in the wet grass and mud before I had a chance to think! At least it was early enough in the day that there was only one other walker out. (My ego survived the fall better than my ankle and knee.) My little slip up was a good reminder to be kind to my … Continue reading