Variety Is The Spice Of Freelance Life

I am constantly amazed at the variety of freelance work that is out there. When I first started working as a freelance writer, I thought that most freelance jobs were writing jobs. It turns out that there are many freelance writing jobs, and the types of assignments that there are to choose from provide a wonderful variety of work. For people who are not interested in doing writing work, there are a ton of other ways to freelance. Most people know that programming is a hot skill for freelancers. Whether you are into developing the latest, greatest apps or programming … Continue reading

A Business Opportunity For The Craft Lover

If you love all things crafty, you may be wondering whether there is a home – based direct sales business opportunity out there that does not involve candles, makeup, or cookware. An opportunity that is more your style, something fun and creative that has to do with crafting, perhaps. The good news is that there is just such a business opportunity, and it’s called Stampin’ Up!. Stampin’ Up! is a thriving business built around rubber stamps. Their vast array of exclusive stamp designs are offered for sale along with stamping and scrapbooking supplies and accessories. Individuals who sell Stampin’ Up! … Continue reading

Fourth of July Pet Safety

On Friday one of the DJ’s for my local radio station mentioned upcoming Fourth of July celebrations, and she warned dog owners about fireworks. She said that she sees more fliers go up for missing dogs on July 5 than just about any other day of the year, all because of the fireworks noise. It’s something that never occurred to me, but it makes a lot of sense. Depending on where you live and how loud noise from fireworks might be in your yard, Independence Day, while fun for us humans, could prove frightening for our pets. If you keep … Continue reading

Fourth of July Fun Without Fireworks

The scorching heat continues across the country, including here in the Midwest. In fact, our county has experienced such hot, humid and dry conditions the past few months that officials have banned fireworks. Yes, a fireworks ban leading up to and including the Fourth of July. Since we don’t want to end up like the poor folks in Colorado, who have lost so much due to a rash of destructive wildfires, we’re planning a festive Fourth minus the sparklers and other colorful explosives. Rather than celebrating Independence Day by lighting up, we’re planning a slew of kid-friendly outdoor activities, such … Continue reading

Three Strategies For Getting Rid of Writer’s Block

It is eleven o’clock in the evening and something important has gone missing. I have been poking around in the corners of the internet looking for it and not finding it there. I have stared blankly at my computer screen and it is not there either. I am looking for my inspiration – that trusty spark, which, night after night graces me with one or more ideas for my blog posts. Have you seen my inspiration? If so, could you please send it back. You see, it may have wandered off and become lost. Perhaps it is somewhere out there … Continue reading

Plant a Kiss on Valentine’s Day

What happens when you plant a kiss… in the ground, not on your sweetheart’s cheek? Will it blossom and grow into something unfathomably dazzling? New York Times bestselling author Amy Krouse Rosenthal and award-winning illustrator Peter H. Reynolds have the answer in a simple yet sweet picture book–Plant a Kiss–that’s a perfect Valentine’s Day read. The book begins with Little Miss planting a kiss in an unremarkable patch of dirt. The young girl watches and waits, waits and watches, and then waits some more. After some doubting and pouting, finally, there’s some shouting, as a tiny sprout emerges from the … Continue reading

Light It Up

(My daughter rockin’ her sparkler!) We’re not really the blow-things-up-for-the-heck-of-it type family. Well, I suppose I should speak for myself… and my dad. While the rest of the guys in my family are beyond thrilled whenever they get the opportunity to legally detonate explosives from the comfort of their own backyard, my dear ol’ dad refuses to revel in the merriment that is 4th of July fireworks fun. Blame it on the fact that one of his best friends lost part of his hand thanks to a bottle rocket. Or, just chock it up to parental paranoia. Regardless of the … Continue reading

Romance and the Homeschool Mom and Dad

How does your day run? Chances are if you are a homeschooling family your focus is completely on your children throughout the day. A homeschooling mom can make a lesson out of anything and usually does all day long. A homeschooling house often looks more like a classroom than a home. If you enter a homeschooler’s house, and please do not do so without ample warning, you are likely to find an array of textbooks, school supplies, art projects all nestled in with laundry, lunch dishes, and mail that has yet to be opened. What does this atmosphere say? It … Continue reading

A bit of spritual motivation at the dinner table.

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV I want to start out by saying that is not a Christian website. supports families of all sizes, colors and set of beliefs. welcomes all families and individuals to partake in their site and discussion boards. The weight loss section is not affiliated with the Christian section of this website. So what is with the verse and spiritual motivation? In my time writing for, I have received several messages and emails from readers. I am … Continue reading

“A Christmas Carol”: Spectacle with Substance

The snowy cobblestone street is packed with vendors, stalls, patrons, and carriages. Shawl-wrapped women brandish roasted chestnuts in bundles of newspaper, crying, “A shilling a piece.” Men in black silk top-hats push their way through the crowds, eager to return to their business while children scamper from one end of the road to another, laughing and shrieking in play. As the road widens and the market fades to the distance, the sound of the children’s boots smacking on cobblestone slows, then halts. A lone, hunched, and gnarled figure hobbles across the street, causing the children to retreat as quickly and … Continue reading