Pet Diabetes on the Rise

Diabetes runs in my family. Even though I’m only in my mid-20s, I’ve tried to start being conscious about what I eat so I can hopefully prevent the onset of the disease, or at least have an easier transition into a diabetes-friendly diet should I need to do so. While I’m prepared for the fact that one day I might learn I have diabetes, it never occurred to me that one of our pets might come down with it as well. That’s right: dogs and cats can get diabetes, and it’s on the rise in canines. MSNBC Health has a … Continue reading

Finding and Eradicating Pet Odors

I’ll leave scents in both obvious and hidden places Spring cleaning season might be over, but it’s never too late for some tips on how to keep your house fresh and free of pet odors. Today I have some tips on what to do if you notice unpleasant pet smells around your house. Advice for how to deal with a smelly pet is simple: if you have a pet that regularly stinks, bathe it as often as needed. If you continue to have trouble there might be a health issue, so take your pet to the veterinarian, or at least … Continue reading

Animal Abuse Registry

Back when I was a teenager and hadn’t yet learned to stop watching pet cops shows for the sake of my stress levels, I remember learning an interesting, if obvious, fact. People who abuse (and this is direct physical abuse, not criminal neglect) their animals are much more likely to become violent against others, especially their family members. Now a county in New York State is taking that information to its next logical conclusion: Suffolk County, NY is launching a pet abuser registry. According to MSNBC, the purpose of the registry is to create a list of potential family abusers; … Continue reading