Make Your Christmas Party Merry and Bright

Hosting family and friends of all ages during the holidays is a joy, but making sure that everyone has a good time at your seasonal shindig can be challenging if you are not prepared. After all, you need more than good food and drinks to keep everyone entertained. If you are inviting a bunch of kids to a party, then make sure you have age appropriate activities for them to participate in. Even if you have a few toys lying around, it’s a good idea to have a few organized activities to keep them occupied. To keep your youngest guests’ … Continue reading

How to Spice Up Your Holiday Party

Tired of the same ol’, same ol’ Christmas parties that feature tone-deaf Uncle Jack singing karaoke in the corner and Aunt Lucy forcing you to try her latest tofu creation? Then, consider hosting your own holiday fiesta this season with a spicy theme. If you don’t want to go whole hog by hosting an extravagant costume night (think elves, reindeer and Christmas movie characters), then go simple by decorating in a single color and having guests dress in red and green. Other theme options include: Hawaiian Christmas I was born and raised in Hawaii, and while we don’t typically greet … Continue reading

Baskets Full of Fun

Nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like a basket full of homemade cookies, brownies, chocolate sauce and pound cake. My neighbor outdoes herself each December and this year is no exception. Yesterday she dropped off a huge gift basket filled with my daughter’s favorite sweet treats, lovingly prepared in her own kitchen. I love the idea of getting and giving gift baskets during the holiday season. Even if you are working on a tight budget, homemade gift baskets are a great option for neighbors, co-workers, family and close friends. The best way to save when putting together a gift basket is … Continue reading

Fun Christmas Bling

Who can resist a bit of bling around the holidays? I am not a flashy person, but when I saw Martha Stewart’s latest Christmas creation I stopped dead in my tracks. I actually turned off my vacuum and turned all of my attention to the TV where a tree bedazzled with dozens of shiny beaded ornaments and garland stood like a beacon of beaded glory. There’s no way I have the time, talent or budget to recreate Martha’s beaded masterpieces; however, I did some research online and found a few cheaper and affordable alternatives that can be made by people … Continue reading

Fun and Affordable Christmas Ornaments

Besides construction paper and crayons, some of the most inexpensive materials for crafting homemade holiday decor are traditional candy canes. You can purchase a big box of candy canes for a dollar or less at discount stores during the Christmas season and use them to make a variety of holiday-themed decorations from wreaths to tree ornaments. Given that the candy is so cheap, it’s a good idea to pick up a few extra boxes just in case a few break during the construction process. Here is a kid-friendly candy cane project to get you started on your sweet Christmas ornaments: … Continue reading

Holiday Decoration Family Fun

Who says you have to spend a fortune creating festive holiday decorations for your home? With a little effort and some creativity you can make a variety of seasonal decorations without breaking the bank. Here’s how: Christmas Card Collage: During the holidays, most people receive dozens of Christmas greeting cards. Instead of stacking the cards in a pile or tossing them into a basket, consider cutting out your favorite images, and creating a collage. You can even add small embellishments such as buttons, ribbons or silk flowers for a one-of-a-kind piece of holiday artwork. Gift Stacks: Fake out your kids … Continue reading

Fresh Holiday Decorations

Think outside of the box this holiday season. Instead of filling your home with traditional poinsettias, consider choosing a fun Christmas cactus to ring in the season. The Christmas cactus is known for its flat, oval, pointed disks; its dark green foliage; and its brightly-colored flowers, which range from pink and yellow to orange and red. The festive plants are native to the rain forests of Brazil and don’t resemble the versions you would find in the deserts of Arizona. Given the timing of its blooming period, the Christmas cactus is a popular hostess gift to give during the holiday … Continue reading

Mount Everest Trash Turned into Art

The other day, I mentioned how climbers were literally leaving tons of trash on Mount Everest. Even Sir Edmund Hillary admitted to leaving behind oxygen cylinders during his historic climb. Since most climbers require oxygen, cylinders are plentiful and usually left behind because climbers don’t want to carry the extra weight. As I was doing research on this blog, I came across an interesting article about Jeff Clapp. Clapp is an artist and one thing is true of artists – you never know where their inspiration is going to come from. For Clapp, an ice sculptor, it came from watching … Continue reading

How to Make Christmas Entertaining Fun for Kids

Rather than letting them sit in front of the TV while you run around like a decapitated chicken preparing for your annual holiday party, get your kids involved in the process. Children are great helpers, especially if you give them specific tasks to accomplish. To keep them engaged, have them work on age appropriate jobs. For example, if you have a preschooler, task him with creating colorful homemade placemats made from construction paper, markers and glitter glue. (You can laminate their masterpieces when they are done.) Likewise, you can get your teens involved in party prep by having them make … Continue reading

Handy Winter Projects for Kids

My 5-year-old is obsessed with handprint art. Ever since her kindergarten teacher showed her how to make a painted heart from two upside-down handprints, she’s gone ga-ga for metacarpus-inspired art projects. She’s already ripped through a mountain of construction paper and about a gallon of (not cheap) washable Crayola fingerpaint. Now our living room walls are covered with handprint everything from hedgehogs to horses. Currently, I’m trying to channel her enthusiasm for handprint paintings into something a bit more festive for the holiday season. After all, as long as she is motivated, we might as well knock out a few … Continue reading