Avoiding Holiday Pounds

It’s that time of year again – no, not the holidays, but the time when everyone seems to come into your office armed with cookies and the office luncheon is filled with enough tryptophan and carbohydrates to choke a horse. The other day, a study was released that showed that the highest number of heart-related deaths occur on Christmas, with the second highest number being recorded on December 26. Now maybe it is family stress that is getting everyone or that last minute shopping, but I know that I personally pack on the pounds during the holidays because I love … Continue reading

Make Your Christmas Party Merry and Bright

Hosting family and friends of all ages during the holidays is a joy, but making sure that everyone has a good time at your seasonal shindig can be challenging if you are not prepared. After all, you need more than good food and drinks to keep everyone entertained. If you are inviting a bunch of kids to a party, then make sure you have age appropriate activities for them to participate in. Even if you have a few toys lying around, it’s a good idea to have a few organized activities to keep them occupied. To keep your youngest guests’ … Continue reading

How to Spice Up Your Holiday Party

Tired of the same ol’, same ol’ Christmas parties that feature tone-deaf Uncle Jack singing karaoke in the corner and Aunt Lucy forcing you to try her latest tofu creation? Then, consider hosting your own holiday fiesta this season with a spicy theme. If you don’t want to go whole hog by hosting an extravagant costume night (think elves, reindeer and Christmas movie characters), then go simple by decorating in a single color and having guests dress in red and green. Other theme options include: Hawaiian Christmas I was born and raised in Hawaii, and while we don’t typically greet … Continue reading

Capturing Candid Holiday Shots

Most people prefer to feature posed family portraits on their annual holiday greeting cards, but I like to use candid shots to spice up my Christmas correspondences. With the holiday party season in full swing, now is the prefect time to capture candid shots of your kids and other family members. Candid shots are ideal to document camera shy subjects, as there is no need for them to look directly in the lens and say, “Cheese!” Rather, your goal is to snap shots of family members and friends acting naturally, whether they are cooking, playing games, sitting by a warm … Continue reading

In the Kitchen Party for Kids

My 5-year-old loves to help out in the kitchen. The problem is that her contributions to mealtime are limited when the menu involves a lot of slicing and dicing. In order to let her have free reign in the kitchen I occasionally create dishes that are incredibly kid-friendly. The following activities are ideal for a group of pint-sized chefs. If you are looking for a way to keep kids busy on a cold winter day, then consider these ideas for an “In the Kitchen” party for young cooks: First, get organized so that the kids can do most of the … Continue reading

New Year’s Party Dips

Let the partying begin! Our New Year’s celebration got off to an early start last night when my alma mater, the Wisconsin Badgers, beat Miami in the 2009 Champs Sports Bowl. Not even the bite-sized cheesecake could top that sweet victory. Of course, the party included much more than a few desserts. The main attraction was the snack and appetizer table, which featured dozens of unique dips, chips, cracker and assorted crudite. The buffet was delicious and appropriate for a large gathering. If you are looking for outstanding dips to serve at your college football bowl party or a New … Continue reading

Throw a Snowman Party

Whether you are looking for a cool way to keep the kids occupied while they are on Christmas break, or you need a few kid-friendly activities for your upcoming New Year’s Eve party, these snowman-themed games and projects are sure to put the freeze on complaints and whines: SNOWMAN DRESS-UP RELAY Fill up two boxes or laundry baskets with items that a snowman would wear, such as scarves, hats, gloves/mittens, boots, buttons (with double-sided tape) and brooms. You can create a carrot nose by using orange felt and elastic. Next, divide the kids into two groups and have each form … Continue reading

More Holiday Photo Gift Ideas

Ho! Ho! Ho! Save some dough this holiday season by making your own one-of-a-kind photo gifts to give to friends and family. Why place a treasured photo in a boring frame and gift it to grandma when you could make her a photo mug, mouse pad or t-shirt? The sky is the limit when it comes to creating unique gifts from your favorite photos. Some popular photo gift ideas that can help you turn ordinary images into photo masterpieces, include: *Photo Books *Totes *Calendars *Boxer shorts *Tiles *Soap *Candles *Labels *Stationary *Pet urns *Plates *Steins *Blankets *Stadium cushions *Watches *Balls … Continue reading

Easy Last-Minute Valentine Projects

My superstitious friend was so focused on the fact that Friday the 13th is two days away that she completely forgot that Saturday is Valentine’s Day. Fortunately, she is married to one of the most laid-back guys around, and I doubt that he would have raised an eyebrow had she overlooked the holiday. If you too suddenly realized that Love Day is just three days away, then you might consider making the following homemade Valentine’s Day crafts. Not only are they inexpensive and simple to create, but they’ll also be appreciated by just about any Valentine from grandparents and spouses … Continue reading

Last Minute New Year’s Eve Party at Home

Here it is New Year’s Eve and you decide at the last moment to have a few friends over for a get together. But, you didn’t plan well (how could you at the last moment?) and you are wondering what to do. Here are some last moment suggestions for hosting a New Year’s Eve party in your home. Fortunately, one of great things about New Year’s eve is that unlike other holidays, it doesn’t usually require a huge feast. Instead, a few appetizers will do just fine. If you don’t have the time to make them yourself, pick up some … Continue reading