Marriage in the News: The Good & The Bad

When it comes down to news articles about marriage of late, you can hardly scan a new search without seeing dozens of articles focusing on the issue of gay marriage and the legal battles that continue to draw their lines in the sand from coast to coast, including the current challenges to the law in the only state that recognizes gay marriage. While this issue continues to vex and frustrate supporters on both sides of the issue. It doesn’t help the cause when gay couples, which have apparently fought long and hard for the right to be recognized as married, … Continue reading

10 Ways to Avoid Being a Bad Spouse

We talk about ways to improve our marriages and to keep our relationships strong. It’s equally important to understand that we ourselves have an effect on our marriages. We can be the bad partners. We can be the spouse that causes the issues that need to be improved. We can be the problem. Many counselors advise that while we cannot change other people, we can change ourselves. So here are 10 ways you can avoid being the bad spouse: Don’t Be Selfish – Yes, you need to take care of yourself in order to be there for others, but when … Continue reading

Common Law Marriage

No one knows exactly how or where the myth began, but living together for seven years does not a common law marriage make. This may come as good or bad news, but it’s a fact. True common law marriage began in England, when for whatever reason officiators could not make the trip to wed a couple. The couple could simply engage in a marriage at common law, until the marriage proceeding could take place. That is why intent to marry is the key to the formation of today’s version of common law marriages. Still, only about a dozen of the … Continue reading

Complex Lies & Your Marriage

It often starts off with good intentions, but those intentions can damage a marriage with their consequences far more than the liar can imagine. You’ve likely heard the story before – the wife goes to see a therapist because she is dealing with issues from her past, but she doesn’t tell her husband. When he becomes suspicious of her regular absences, their trust is damaged because he has to find out on his own. The husband who doesn’t tell the wife there is a problem until their savings account is drained because he thought he could fix it and then … Continue reading

Marriage & Love; Love & Marriage

Sometimes we forget that love and marriage both take work. When we are engaged to be married and planning our wedding ceremony, we think the sky is the limit. We know if we aim for the moon, even if we miss – we’ll still be among the stars. We understand, above all else, that we love each other. This is a thought that we need to remember, because that love can sustain us in the best of times and the worst of times. The following is a bit of a personal glimpse, but it was the best way I knew … Continue reading

He’s Got Her Wrapped Around His Little Finger!

Chase has been dating Amy, a 28 year old single mother, for over a year. Things are getting serious; they’ve even been batting around the “M” word. She is attractive, kind, funny, considerate, and they both love to fish and camp. In a nutshell, she’s everything he’s been looking for in a life partner…except for one little thing… a twenty-eight pound, 3 year old little thing, named Marcus. “Now don’t get me wrong, he’s really cute and everything” admits Chase, “but she jumps every time he cries! And I mean every time! He has totally got her wrapped around his … Continue reading

Let’s Celebrate!

Celebrations can add that little zing to your marriage. Yes there are the obvious big celebrations like wedding anniversaries and birthdays, but also celebrate the small things. Celebrations might include the date of your first date. Now I have to say at this point, I could not tell you the date of Mick’s and my first date. Fortunately he can’t either or I’d feel really bad. I can tell you where we went – to a Rolling Stones concert. I should also tell you I was never a fan of the Stones so that says more about the company than … Continue reading

The Influence of Music

Have you ever noticed the power of music to influence your moods, attitudes and actions? It’s no wonder experts have discovered music therapy. Last week at church we sang two songs. One was, ‘To live is Christ.’ That song has encouraged me and challenged me throughout this week to look at how I respond to what is happening in my life. Am I responding as Jesus would? Am I showing Christ to the world in the way I speak, the things I say and do? ‘No matter what price I pay, I choose to give this life away.’ Notice it’s … Continue reading

Are Dogs Taking Over Hollywood?

Recently I’ve noticed something that I don’t think I’ve ever seen happen before: an upsurge in the release of dog movies. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but all of a sudden it seems like dogs are taking over Hollywood. Take a look at what I mean. Since October, look at how many dog movies that are either already out or are soon to be released: Beverly Hills Chihuahua When I first saw the previews for this movie, I did what I think a lot of people did: rolled my eyes and said, “Oh my goodness, they really will … Continue reading

What Makes Politicians Think They’ll Never Get Caught?

Or, that if they do, we should be understanding and tolerant of their moment of weakness? I’m referring to John Edwards’s admission that he cheated on his wife Elizabeth. “In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic.” ~-John Edwards, as quoted from an article by Pete Yost, AP, published on AOL News-~ Apparently he confessed the whole mess to Elizabeth and the rest of his family long before it came out in the media. But now it’s out. Now not only him, but also Elizabeth, have to face … Continue reading