80th Annual Academy Awards – The Winners!

I have to admit that with a three year old, I rarely get to see movies in the theatre anymore. This can be painful for me as most Academy Award nominated films are not out on DVD before the time the ceremony airs. But, it seems that each year, I get to see one nominated movie and put all my money on that one. So far, my husband and I are three for three. We did get to see Crash two years ago and last year, we were fortunate enough to see The Departed. This year, I had to put … Continue reading

Beauty can be Inspiring Too

I wrote yesterday about how laughter, silliness and play interspersed throughout a work day can be inspirational and help to alleviate every-day stress. As I straighten my desk and light a couple candles to warm and glow in the early morning hours before I start work, I realize that beauty and pleasant surroundings can be inspirational for a home business owner too. We’ve talked about organization and Feng Shui for the home business and the home office, but in the bustling function of trying to work at a home business, aesthetics and beauty can very easily get overlooked. Many of … Continue reading

Stardust (2007)

A few years ago, I went into the bookstore and what to my delight should I find, but a new Neil Gaiman novel. Now you may not have heard of Neil Gaiman and if you haven’t, well I have a few books of his that I could recommend and I’ll link them below. For now, I want to talk about the film Stardust based on the novel of the same name. Stardust is rated PG-13 for some fantasy violence and risqué humor, but the risqué is just that and it’s not toilet humor. First and foremost, Stardust is a fairytale. … Continue reading

Dogs: A Doll’s Best Friend?

The living room in the “Dog Catcher’s House.” Photo courtesy of Christine Verstraete and used with her permission. I personally know the following interviewee, Christine Verstraete. We met online several years back, drawn together by our mutual passion for writing. However, Chris has another talent I’ve always admired: making miniatures! When she posts new pics of her creations online, she always lets me know so I can go ooh and ahh over them. She’s currently working on putting together a book about dogs and dolls and the artists who make them. It got me thinking about a pattern I noticed … Continue reading

A Couple of Wise Guys…

My two oldest sons are quite a pair. They have an affectionate, hilarious bond, as brothers. Garrett (in sunglasses) is fifteen, a straight A student, and extremely bright. He’s one of those kids that can smooth talk his way out of most anything. I don’t often see him doing much homework, yet he pulls off sensational grades. Tests and quizzes come easily for him. He’s an aspiring musician, and the house is usually filled with the rollicking sounds of his piano tunes in the living room or his voice singing through the closed door of his bedroom. Garrett has juvenile … Continue reading