You’re a Bear – Mavis Jukes

This highly imaginative book features a beautiful little girl who is pretending to be a bear as she goes around the house. The narrative voice is the link between what we as the reader sees and what she is imagining. On the first page, we see her hiding under a tent made of blankets, with another blanket, brown and heavy, draped around her to be her fur. “You’re a gruff bear, with fleas – a grump, with a hump between your shoulders. Scramble from your hidden ledge – hidden by a bramble hedge – and squeeze between the boulders.” She … Continue reading

Little People in the Big Apple: Central Park Zoo and FAO Schwartz

I had intended to write more about taking small children around in New York City but we were so busy. . .taking small children around. . .that I hadn’t quite gotten to it until now! In any case, my timing is good, because the holidays are upon us and that is an absolutely fantastic time to see New York City! If you have little travelers and you are visiting New York City soon. . .read on! I am giving you the insider’s scoop of not only the places to go. . .but where the nearest bathrooms are, the scoop on … Continue reading