Why am I Writing this Weight Loss Blog?

I have never found an online forum on weight loss where the moderator/writer was someone who had been obese and made it to “the other side”. Who better to talk with people who want to lose weight than someone who has felt their pain and been through everything that they are going through? I am passionate about this topic because I live it! At my heaviest, I weighed 265. I’m not proud of that, but I don’t mind saying it because I know that there are other people out there who have gone over that 200-pound mark and they may … Continue reading

Getting Pregnant After Birth Control

Many women use birth control for many years before they decide they are ready to have a baby. When they stop the pill, they expect to get pregnant right away. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. Women can be very surprised to find that they don’t get pregnant right away. After years of trying not to get pregnant, they may expect to have it happen very soon after stopping the pill. Most doctors will tell you that the birth control pill won’t affect your fertility. The message is that you will ovulate within a month or two after stopping the pill. This … Continue reading

Ask a Marriage Blogger: Are You Protecting Your Spouse or Taking Away Their Choices?

A few days ago, I received a private message from a reader and I apologize to her that I’m just now getting around to addressing this question. I have a question and you might be the right person to answer it. I enjoy reading your blogs and I find that many times we are on the same wavelength. A few weeks ago, my husband and I were talking about having children. We’ve been married for two years and his parents are very eager to become grandparents. He’s never expressed a great deal of interest one way or another before, but … Continue reading

Planned Parenthood Made a Period Tracker App

There are many health apps out there that can be used to keep track of one’s health. Some health trackers do not include a section that tracks periods. Planned Parenthood created a period tracker app called Spot On. It is focused on tracking your period – and more! Planned Parenthood is a health care provider that specializes in reproductive health care. In addition, they offer a wide range of safe, reliable health care – the majority of which is preventative health care. In other words, the Spot On period tracker app has information that comes directly from the world-class sex … Continue reading

Late Trimester Test: The Cervical Exam

  As your due date approaches, you’ll start getting more and more checks by your doctor.  Your appointment schedule will increase to every two weeks from around week 30, and then every week from around week 37.  In addition to the fetal heartbeat check, you’ll probably have your belly measured as well, and your provider will feel around your stomach to determine the baby’s position.  Some doctors might even do a vaginal exam for this, if they’re having trouble determining where the baby is. You’ll get your group B strep test, and this might also be around the time you’ll … Continue reading

Baby Gear – The Useful And The Useless

With so many baby items on the market today, first – time parents are often confused when they sit down to create a baby registry. How do you know which things you will need, and which you can do without? One idea is to look around for lists on the internet. Many experienced moms and dads have shared their opinions about what they used, and what they found useless. Use these lists as inspiration, and as food for thought about whether the items mentioned on the lists fit with your philosophy about how you would like to parent your child. … Continue reading

Alabama Has a Plan First Program

Every state has a Medicaid program. A portion of that program is designed to cover the health care needs of low-income women who are pregnant or are seeking family planning services. In Alabama, it is called Plan First. Medicaid is a public, or government run, health insurance program. It is designed to cover low-income individuals and families who cannot afford to purchase health insurance coverage from a private health insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. Medicaid is also funded by the government of an individual state. In Alabama, the Medicaid program is administered by the … Continue reading

Intrusion On Our Children

Intrusion on our children? I believe that is exactly the situation in New York. Apparently the New York City Department of Education is expanding its sex education curriculum to include the distribution of…get this…morning after pills. Yes, you read that right. The morning after pill is being made available to girls in high school, and guess what? Parental consent isn’t necessary. Girls as young as 14 years old will have access to this and their parents won’t even know. Yes, I definitely call this an intrusion. Okay, so there is the possibility of opting out. But of course, that means … Continue reading

Arkansas Has a Women’s Health (Family Planning) Program

Arkansas has a Medicaid program that has a few different parts. As far as I can tell, their regular Medicaid program covers women who are pregnant. Arkansas also has a program called “Women’s Health (Family Planning)”. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. The purpose is to provide individuals and families who are low-income, and who cannot afford to buy a health insurance plan from a private health insurance company, to be able to have access to health care. Medicaid is funded both by the federal government and by the government of an individual state. Typically, … Continue reading

The Texas Women’s Health Program Still Exists

The Texas Women’s Health Program is part of the Medicaid program in Texas. Legislators in Texas did an efficient job of gutting the program, but some of it still exists. Women who qualify will have difficultly finding a doctor who works with this program, and the state won’t cover care done at Planned Parenthood. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance to people who are low-income and who cannot afford to buy health insurance from a private company. Typically, Medicaid programs like the Texas Women’s Health Program would be … Continue reading