A Near Thing

A continuation of the story of misdiagnosis and changing expectations. We waited for the new photographs, clinging to the hope that the grim prognosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for our daughter’s new biological sister was based on misinformation from a photography error. We were able to request that an MRI of the baby’s brain be done in Korea. It showed normal results, no visible brain damage. Our doctor, who had visited Korea and our adoption agency there, said she trusted the results. The new photos didn’t look much different to me when they finally came. The baby looked even grumpier … Continue reading

What Will It Take? A Challenge for Experienced Moms

As do many writers, I subscribe to google alerts for ideas on blogs. Every morning my inbox is filled with news stories, media reviews and a smattering of other things–all baby related. I get at least a dozen news articles a day on baby deaths or injuries. A father who shook his baby to death, a father putting his child into the microwave, a mother who hung her 3 children and herself in a murder/suicide. . .and the list can go on. It seems more and more, parents are completely unprepared for parenthood and don’t know what else to do. … Continue reading

The Dangerous Shopping Cart

When you go shopping do you put your baby in a shopping cart? Now the AAP along with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is saying that if you have a reasonable alternative–use it. Some 24,000 children are rushed to the emergency room each year as a result of shopping cart injuries. Children stand or are strapped in improperly and fall onto the hard grocery store floor resulting in head and neck injuries, fractures, and even concussions. The AAP also points out that most shopping carts are designed with a high center of gravity which makes them prone to tipping … Continue reading