Fitness Week in Review for October 13-19, 2008

What kind of music do you listen to while you workout? Would you consider running a marathon while you were pregnant? Do you skip over warm-ups and cool downs because you want to get out of the gym and on with your day as quickly as possible? Those are just a few of the questions posed last week in the FITNESS blog. To see what else you might have missed take a look at the following recap: October 13th—–How “Fit” is Your Child’s Cereal? Most of us are so concerned about getting our children off the couch and outside to … Continue reading

Avoiding Fitness Mistakes

Besides neglecting to include a warm-up and cool-down in your workout there are a host of other mistakes beginners and experienced fitness fiends make from time to time. To get the most of the time you spend burning calories it is important to recognize, and then eliminate these blunders from your fitness routine. Making fitness mistakes a regular part of your routine can lead to loss of interest or more serious injuries. Take a look at these fitness mistakes and ask yourself if they have become a regular part of your fitness regime: Unrealistic Expectations Despite what you may see … Continue reading

Not Carrot & Celery Sticks Again!

“I’m so sick of carrots and celery sticks! Give me something else I can snack on!” If you’re snacking on carrots and celery sticks, you are probably doing so because you want a very low calorie, high fiber snack. Bearing that in mind, here are a few suggestions: Try mixing things up with fresh broccoli, cauliflower and grape tomatoes. These are all high in fiber, satisfy the need to chew and have distinct flavors. Try snacking on nuts or seeds. These contain healthy oils, lots of fiber and protein to satisfy and/or stave off hunger. Just remember to be mindful … Continue reading

Getting Ready for the Holidays

The key to enjoying the holidays, and all the great foods that we seem to have around the holidays, while sticking to a healthy eating and lifestyle plan is moderation. Yes, everybody says it and everybody certainly knows it, but few of us actually manage to put it into practice. For those of us who can’t seem to manage the moderation thing, here are a few tricks and tips to get you through the holidays without having to gain the usual ten pounds that the average American gains between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. At Home: Plan some diet friendly … Continue reading