What is Your Holiday Business Style?

With Christmas just a week away and New Year’s Day so soon thereafter, now is a good time to talk about the different ways that home – based professionals approach their work during the holiday season. There is no real right or wrong way to go about it, it is more about figuring out what your “holiday work style” is, planning for it, and embracing it. After all, you are who you are and your holiday work style is an extension of what makes you, well, you. To attempt to force it into submission so that you can do what … Continue reading

Getting Things Done With The 50 Minute Focus

One very important skill that all home – based professionals must master is time management. Many of us have limited time in which we can do our work, and even those of us that have more work hours available to them want to get the most that they can out of every one of those hours. Today I am trying out an exercise that is said to help individuals maximize their productivity. You may or may not have heard of the exercise called “50 Minute Focus”. The exercise itself is simple. You spend fifty minutes intensively focused on one task, … Continue reading

Children And Money

When your teenager gets a job it’s a huge step for them towards being an adult. When Hailey was younger I didn’t really teach her about money management because we didn’t have any left over for her to manage. I tried to set a good example. As a single mother many times I lived hand to mouth but I let her know the importance of paying your bills first, taking care of anything that is a true need, saving some for a rainy day, and then, if there is anything left, getting something you want. When Hailey got her first … Continue reading

Dealing With Interruptions In Your Work Day

Sometimes, it is easy to manage your time when you run a home-based business. You set your work hours, choose a planning and organizing system either on your computer or smartphone or on paper and use it religiously, and there you go. Often, things are not that simple though. Your work time becomes riddled with interruptions and your non-work time also gets invaded by work-related interruptions. What is a home-based professional to do about all of these interruptions – the emails, phone calls, and even mail and package deliveries that seem like small things but can really eat into your … Continue reading

Moms are Worth More Than They Realize

Moms do so much for their families. Some women are stay at home moms, who spend their days taking care of children, and keeping up with all the work that is required in order to keep up a household. Other moms spend time working a full or part time job, and then come home to take care of the children and the chores. Women tend to underestimate the value of the work they do. This can be problematic when it comes to life insurance. A survey that was done by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company reveals that women tend … Continue reading

The 30-Day Challenge

I mentioned earlier in the month that I’ve been taking a 30-day challenge to get more organized. When I started it, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. A course on filing paperwork? Tips for how to tidy up my desk? Lessons on how to create color-coded hanging files? All I knew was that a friend had recommended it, and I was eager to achieve the kind of results she claimed she’d achieved. I signed up for it, and started the first day with no idea what I was getting myself into. An e-mail with a link was delivered to … Continue reading

Strategies For Getting Through A Bad Day

Bad days – we all have them. Not even the most successful person that you can think of is immune from having a bad day. In fact, if someone tells you that they never, ever have a bad day then they are probably not telling the truth. Since bad days are inevitable, it makes sense to think ahead of time about what you will do when you have one. The right bad-day coping strategy can help you to get through a tough day and also can help you to keep a bad day from turning into a bad week or … Continue reading

My Big Exam (Part 1)

If you’ve been reading the education (or fatherhood blog) for a while you will be aware of my summer of reading in preparation for my doctoral qualifying exams. This series of testing after the classes have been taken and passed is a difficult and painful experience as a student (and also as a father). It is certainly difficult to explain the mental and emotional states that exist during a preparation for exams that takes into account all one is supposed to have learned in a graduate program. The test itself is massive in scope but the questions asked are specific … Continue reading

Learning through Example

Parents are the biggest influence on a child’s life. A parent’s job is to mold and shape a child to function productively in society. While, family values vary from family to family, most want at the core the same things for their children. I have yet to meet a well intentioned parent who did not want a happy, compassionate, well-rounded, and wise child. We may want a doctor or a lawyer in the family but above all we want healthy and happy children. We also want children who show proper discernment and made good decisions in reference to time management. … Continue reading

Pain and Sleep

In a way, pain is a good thing: it is the body’s way of saying that something is wrong, and giving you a general idea of where the problem is. But pain can mess with your appetite, concentration, sleeping habits, and more. Sometimes, pain makes you want (or need) more sleep. If you are sick or injured, you need time to rest and heal! There are some types of pain that make me want to snooze — mostly headaches. Often, I’ll try taking a nap to see if I can sleep the headache off before resorting to pain relievers. Though … Continue reading