Remembering 9/11 First Responders and Volunteers

Today was certainly a day for remembrance. It was the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy and the television was filled with shows about the day. I’ve seen a lot of these shows but there was one I had seen before that I didn’t notice in today’s schedule. Almost 3,000 people died 10 years ago, and we certainly need to remember them and their families, but there’s another group that needs to be remembered today as well – the surviving first responders and volunteers. Sometime after 9/11, I saw a show about the first responders that survived and how many … Continue reading

Remarriage From a Child’s View

When I was eleven years old my mother remarried. At first I was pretty excited about her dating this guy. I finally had that father figure I had craved as a child. Then all of the sudden I realized that I no longer had my mother all to myself anymore. I felt like I was losing her. It had been just me and my mom for several years. We did everything together. We were inseparable. We stayed up late watching old movies in bed, we went to art museums together, we read books together, we went to the symphony together. … Continue reading

My First Day on Atkins

I did not know what to expect from my first day on the Atkins diet. Would I crave the foods I wasn’t allowed to eat? Would I be hungry? What would the Atkins diet do to my allergies, and other health issues? I was about to find out. The Atkins book strongly suggests that you read up to the chapter that talks about the first phase before you go ahead and start Phase 1. I discovered this when I flipped directly to the chapter describing Phase 1, (which is also called Induction). Despite this warning, I must admit, I started … Continue reading

Our First Thanksgiving

We have not hit our one year anniversary yet and we have had so much family drama and a death of a friend what does the rest of the year going to bring? We still have the holidays coming up and after my first Christmas with my in-laws I really am not looking forward to having another one with them. If you don’t know what happened during my first Christmas click this to read all about it. The holiday season is quickly approaching and I am really dreading it. The first holiday season as a married woman should be full … Continue reading

Banning Interracial Marriages?

Have you read or heard about the disturbing poll that took place in Mississippi? Apparently 46% of Mississippi Republicans would support banning interracial marriages. I was absolutely shocked by this. There were also only 40% who believe it should be legal. Should this surprise me? Maybe it shouldn’t but it does. First of all, I guess I thought we had come much further than this. I’m not so naïve to believe that racism has been completely eradicated but I did think we were further along than this. Second of all, we live in such a mixed society. America is made … Continue reading

A Marriage that Works

When you see a marriage that works it is just so obvious, you can’t help but notice. Recently Mick and I were invited into the home of an elderly couple we know. This couple has been married over 60 years. A couple of things struck me as we entered their home. The first was how important their marriage was to them. They had photographs of their wedding and also photographs and items from the local paper about their 6Oth wedding anniversary which occurred last year on display. Their home had real warmth as it was filled with lots of other … Continue reading

Still Fascinating after Fifteen Years

I’m a night owl, and my husband is an early bird. Very often, I’m coming to bed just as he’s getting up. This morning, we sat and talked for about two hours as I wound down from my day and he geared up for his. I kept trying to shut up and go to sleep, but it was just so fun to talk to him without any interruptions that I’m afraid I stayed up a lot longer than I should have. When I finally rolled over to drift off to sleep, I said, “I’m so glad we still find each … Continue reading

The Three R’s of Marriage

You are probably familiar with the “Three R’s” of education: Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. Well I have come up with the “Three R’s” of marriage: Respond, React and Retreat. The only difference is that with my three R’s, there is just one that works well in a marriage. Can you guess which one? I don’t know if anyone else can relate but I tend to be a reactor. I have been working on this for several years and while I have gotten a lot better, it can still be an issue that creeps up. Sometimes when people react it is … Continue reading

Weathering the Seasons of Marriage

We go through different seasons in our marriages. Some of them are pretty enjoyable, like the carefree days of summer or the excitement of new things in the spring. But then we also go through seasons where it gets a little more challenging. Here in Wisconsin fall can sometimes feel more like winter and then the snowstorms come and well, it’s kind of bleak and barren. Those are the most difficult times in a marriage. I really, really dislike the unpleasant seasons of marriage. They seem so long; once again I have to compare it to the winters we experience … Continue reading

End of the Year Relationship Changes

It is the end of 2010, but celebrities keep making relationship changes. Some are breaking up, some are getting together, but they are all making news: Breaking Up Sebastian Bach and Maria Bierk The former Skid Row singer and his wife of 18 years have decided to divorce due to irreconcilable differences. Maria was formerly the subject of the VH1 show “I Married Sebastian Bach.” They have three children (son Paris, 21, son London, 14, and daughter Sebastiana, 3). John Mellencamp and Elaine Irwin The Mellencamps have also decided to separate after 18 years of marriage. The singer and former … Continue reading