Divorced Dads Out in the Cold

An article in the Sun Herald on Sunday by Danielle Teutsch, highlighted some of the problem being faced by families where there is divorce. The Australian Institute of Family Studies tells us that 22 percent of Australian children have divorced or separated parents. Around 45,000 children are currently affected by divorce. Half of the divorces in Australia involve children. As Mick and I go into schools to teach children it is apparent to us just how many of the children are affected. Many have a father living in another state that they only get to see once or twice a … Continue reading

A Work in Progress

Yesterday I was talking with a young woman who describes herself as someone who only has ‘got her L plates in marriage.’ That’s right, the couple hasn’t been married long in terms of years and she feels she is still learning about marriage and that it is a learning curve for them both still, as they find the ideas that work and those that don’t. As she describes it, their marriage is still ‘a work in progress.’ It occurs to me that each marriage should be a work in progress. None of us should ever think we have all the … Continue reading

Looked After or Neglected?

‘It’s like the end of the world,’ high school kids said about the dust storms that hit Australia this week and turned the sky red. A combination of gale force winds and drought swept red dust from Broken Hill, far out west in NSW, right across the state even to places like Sydney and here which are on the coast. As we were out driving in the car, you could tell the cars that had been looked after and those that had been exposed to the elements. Those which had been garaged were fine. Those which hadn’t were covered in … Continue reading

Find Out if You and Your Partner Are Compatible

Are you are and your partner compatible?’ On the weekend while watching TV we saw an add saying ‘Text Passion and your partner’s name and find out if you’re compatible.’ ‘Shall I text to see if we’re compatible,’ I said. Mick and I looked at each other and laughed. ‘How ridiculous.’ Not the idea of finding out if you are compatible but texting some number to find out. But it did provide a blog idea. If you want to find out if you and your partner are compatible try these ten simple tests. 1. Do you enjoy being together? Would … Continue reading

Retrace Your Steps

These days I find occasionally I set out to do something and then, by the time I get there, forget what it was I was planning to do. What do I do when this happens? I retrace my steps and go back to the place where I was when I thought of it. Often before I get there, I’ve remembered. It’s good advice for a marriage too to go back and to retrace our steps. This is especially important when things are not working as well as we’d like or are starting to be a bit rocky. Then it’s a … Continue reading

Is it Right to Marry for Money?

Take a moment to consider the first response that popped into your head when you read that question. Was it an emphatic no it’s not right to marry for money? Was it a casual “eh, I wouldn’t, but it’s okay for some people”? Was it a ‘sure’ as long as both parties agreed to it? The reason I ask the question is simple, a lot of people would insist that it is wrong to marry for money, because they think you should only marry for love and that anything else is just a bad idea. But is it a bad … Continue reading