Patience is Having an Alternative

As parents, we are challenged daily and hourly to be patient. We may be challenged more than once a minute, in fact. It is hard to be patient and I don’t like it much. I would much prefer to do what I want to do. However, doing what I want to do is called my pre-child life, and I don’t think that I’m going to get that back any time soon. Having a child involves patience. If you want to do to the store, you need to dress someone or two or three. You need to get them out of … Continue reading

Go Fly a Kite

One of our favorite movies these days is Mary Poppins. We tend to watch the same movie ad infinitum until the adults in the family as completely sick of it, and the child is not. At the end of Mary Poppins is the fabulous song “Let’s Go Fly a Kite,” and we’ve certainly been doing a lot of that these days too. A few weeks ago my daughter went to a heritage fair and built her own kite, and today at preschool she built another one. The fact that we have no wind here until later in the evening poses … Continue reading

Why Do I Even Bother?

Why do I even bother asking my kid to find anything? Why? Nothing ever good comes from it. Never mind that the items I’m asking my 5-year-old to locate belong to her. Her mittens, her scarf, her boots, her socks, her backpack, her library book… Why? Why do I waste precious time, energy and oxygen lecturing her about responsibility and being conscientious about her belongings? Why do I rant about creating a system whereby she places her winter gear in the same exact spot each day, so she can find them in that exact spot each day? Why do I … Continue reading

Santa vs. Generous Grandparents

Who needs Santa when you’ve got grandparents? There have been many times when I have seriously considered hiding some of the dozens of Christmas presents my parents have sent my daughter and attaching gift tags that read, “From: Santa Claus” and sticking them under the tree on December 25th. My parent’s generosity is overwhelming… not that I’m complaining (my kid sure isn’t). It’s just that it’s getting harder and harder for me… I mean Santa… to compete with grandma and grandpa when it comes to holiday gift giving. For the record I should note that my 4-year-old is very blessed … Continue reading

The Santa Threat

It happened in a blink of an eye. I just couldn’t help myself. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve become one of those parents… a full-fledged adult who uses Santa Claus as a behavior modifier. I’ve tried to console myself by thinking of the millions of other parents who fall into the same trap this time of year. Still, I feel bad that in a moment of weakness I pulled out the Santa card and used it on my 4-year-old. The day started out so innocently. I had a list of errands to complete, including mailing out our … Continue reading

Great Deal at Kohl’s for Girls

My daughter’s birthday is this week, and she’ll be turning three. We have been racking our brains trying to decide what to give her for a gift. My oldest son wanted to buy her one of those new Rose Petal Cottages, but we vetoed that idea. For one, I haven’t come across any great deals on this hot toy, or the accessories you need to purchase in addition to the toy. Still, we wanted to get her something, so we decided to ask her what she wanted and then take her on a shopping trip. It turns out that she … Continue reading

Pre-Kindergarten Children on the Bus

As some of you know, my daughter began preschool this year. She is attending a pre-kindergarten program at a private Catholic School in the county in which I live. The private school has pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. While the preschool or pre-kindergarten class is in a separate building from the rest of the school, they still do many activities that the school children participate in. For example, they are included in fundraisers, eating in the cafeteria, computer lab, field trips, etc. My daughter only attends school two days a week. For a fall activity, the pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade … Continue reading

Leaving a Child at School Is Not Always Easy

On Thursday, my daughter attended preschool for the first time. I walked out of the door and left her crying. I sat in the preschool parking lot for fifteen minutes crying myself. I know that preschool is a good choice for her and that she will love it given time. However, leaving your child at a strange place with unfamiliar people can be a very heartbreaking situation. My daughter yelled out for me several times as I exited the building. However, I knew that the best thing that I could do for her was to leave quickly. I preach it … Continue reading

Beta Fish, Hermit Crabs and Bulbs, Oh My!

Have you ever bought your child a toy, or a gift that they were so excited about that you just had to step it up a notch? Yesterday afternoon, my three year old daughter and I went to Target. They have this great new little dollar section in the front of the store that I refer to as the “bribe aisle”. She was an angel yesterday while I was picking up a few odds-and-ends, so when I finished shopping, we made a bee-line for the bribe aisle. She started shuffling through fake earrings, princess tiaras and plastic shoes. Suddenly she … Continue reading