Have You Heard of the Pacifier Fairy?

A part of me thinks that as parents, we really have way too many make believe creatures. In fact, it exhausts me a little bit. The Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, etc. all have a part in most everyone’s childhood. But, a small part of me feels bad telling those little lies to my kids. But, then I get over it, and hide those eggs, or fill those stockings. But, I heard of a new fairy a while back while talking to another mama friend. The pacifier fairy. She told me that is how she finally got her … Continue reading

Starting Solids: Alternatives to Rice Cereal

I have a lovely photo of my daughter tasting her first solid food. It was just after Christmas, and she was just over 6 months old. Me: neurotic about potential food sensitivities. Her: eagerly reaching out for the bowl of the stuff that she was actually allowed to put into her mouth and swallow! We began with sweet potato, and the photo shows my daughter eagerly reaching for the bowl, then looking mystified at the sweet and gummy texture of the food. At least that’s what it looks like she’s thinking. Rice cereal is often recommended for babies. Mostly this … Continue reading

Valorie’s Breastfeeding Index

Later today I will post a review of the baby blog of 2007 so why does breastfeeding get its own category? Well, in part as an answer to readers who want to read what I’ve written on breastfeeding. I’ve written so much on breastfeeding at this point that you all have asked for an index of sorts so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. It’s also in part because I’ve become known as the breastfeeding lady. . .guru. . .whatever you want to call it. I’ve been at this breastfeeding business for a long time and many of … Continue reading

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

If you are pregnant, you have likely heard or read that alcohol should be avoided in pregnancy. There is a good reason to abstain from the adult beverage during these nine months, your baby’s health. Babies born to mothers who drink during pregnancy are at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome. According to the Centers for Disease Control, drinking during pregnancy is the leading preventable cause of birth defects in the United States. An astonishing 1 in 750 babies is born with symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome. Tens of thousands more suffer from fetal alcohol effects, a less severe side effect … Continue reading

Mushy Food Makes Picky Eaters

The idea that you have to feed your baby pureed baby foods is a very cultural one. Here in America at least, many moms are told to start feeding solids (and by solids I mean that mushy stuff in a jar or rice cereal) around 4 to 6 months. Then we spoon feed them until they finish the jar or ‘eat a good meal.’ We fret if they don’t eat and we fret even more if they at a whole jar yesterday and only want two bites today. However, advice may be changing as UNICEF and others start to talk … Continue reading