Are You Spending More to Save?

I am THAT mom. The one that’ll drive an extra five miles out of her way to save five bucks on her daughter’s Halloween costume, even though gas is just shy of $4 per gallon. Though, if I drive an extra 10 miles I can save six cents per gallon. I am THAT mom. The one that’ll spend five hours trying to calculate how much she really saved by utilizing the $5 off costume coupon. Even though the trip included sitting in a gnarly traffic jam which robbed her of 20 minutes of precious time. Make that priceless time. Walking … Continue reading

An Afternoon At The Fair

Yesterday, I took Dylan and Blake to the Tunbridge World’s Fair in nearby Tunbridge, Vermont. There are many fairs and harvest festivals in New England in the fall and I thought that it would be a fun way to spend the afternoon with the boys. It was so cute to see the excited look on his face as we went towards the gate and he began to see the fairgrounds. Once we got inside, Dylan told me that he wanted to play games first. We played a couple of kid – friendly games and he won a few little prizes. … Continue reading

Illinois School Earns Award for Special Education

Most of the time, if a news article talks about Special Education, it is because the news is bad. It is incredibly refreshing to hear a story about a school that has an excellent Special Education program. A school in Elgin, Illinois, has been granted a very high honor by an important national organization. It seems to me that we hear three or four negative stories about things happening in Special Education before we hear one that talks about a positive situation. I’m not sure if this is because bad news, scandalous behavior, and words of hate, fly faster across … Continue reading

Monkey See, Monkey Do

If you ask Dr. Drew, MTV’s hit shows “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom” work better than condoms when it comes to deterring high school students from becoming parents long before they are ready. Of course, the good doc is employed by MTV as host of the aforementioned shows’ reunion episodes, so he could be towing the company line. Still, there is no denying the popularity of “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom.” The series has made rock stars out of its teen mothers and it’s no surprise that some claim “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom” actually encourage girls … Continue reading

Star with Surprising Pasts

Everyone has a story or so Jon Favreau said in Swingers. Celebrities are no different, but some have pasts you may find hard to believe. In my last pop culture blog, I wrote about celebrities who tried to pass themselves off as Native Americans when they weren’t. Today, I am going to talk about celebrities that don’t try to hide from their past, but you just might find it interesting. First of all, there are the preacher’s kids. You might have heard that Katy Perry’s father is a preacher after there was a lot of press about both her parent’s … Continue reading

Take Back Your Power

I’m so grateful that the stigma of being a single mother is gone. Wouldn’t it be terrible to be a single mother in the 30’s or 40’s? Even if you were single through death instead of divorce, at that time you would have been an anomaly, your children would have been viewed differently, there wouldn’t have been anyone who understands what you’re going through. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, there are many single mothers today and we have a wealth of resources available to. It is much easier to be a single mother today than … Continue reading

Is Worry Creating Needless Drama In Your Life?

Worry certainly sounds like a negative activity, and it is, but when you’re immersed in it, worry feels like the most logical, positive direction. How else can you prevent bad things from happening – or be prepared to deal with them when they do – if you don’t worry about them first? Unfortunately, “bad” things are going to happen regardless of any amount of obsessive thinking you do trying to anticipate, prevent and prepare for them. All worry does is keep you living in a perpetual state of anxiety for no good reason at all, and what kind of a … Continue reading

Capturing Motion

Yesterday my neighbor asked if I would take pictures of his son’s outdoor volleyball match at a local park. I agreed, but I have a feeling he may not be happy with the results. I’m either getting really old or I’ve got a nasty undiagnosed case of arthritis. Whatever the case, I simply couldn’t seem to click the shutter button fast enough to document the big plays, and I was shooting with a high-quality DSLR whose advanced mechanics basically do all the work for you… provided you press the shutter button. There’s nothing more humbling than shooting a high-action sporting … Continue reading

Less Mess, Less Stress

Let’s face it, the less mess you have, the less stress you have. Well, perhaps that isn’t true for everyone. My children have friends whose families don’t seem to care too much about the state of their home. But I think for the most part, we are much more relaxed and happy when the house is in order. Sometimes I can walk into a room and instantly feel stressed. There is a pile of dishes in the sink, the floor is sticky, the counters haven’t been wiped off, the George Forman was left out and no one bothered to clean … Continue reading

The Recession and Red Butts

What does the slumping economy have to do with the color of your baby’s behind? According to a new report by the Business Insider, one begets the other. The economic geniuses at the business publication have been making headlines with their hypothesis on the correlation between a near record number of recent diaper rash cases and the recession. If you have a child in diapers, then you may already be familiar with the red butt/recession theory. Apparently, there are millions of parents out there who are trying to save a few extra bucks by letting their children linger in wet … Continue reading