Poses You Don’t Like

Every yoga student, and teacher for that matter, has poses they enjoy and poses they don’t like as much. This is completely normal and, while it is certainly possible to avoid your least favorite poses, you want to make sure you have a balanced practice. Fortunately, you can learn to like, or at least make peace with, the poses you don’t love as much. The first step is to figure out why you don’t like the pose and then you will be able to make some adjustments that will allow you to relax and enjoy it a bit more. Consider … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Dolphin Pose

Dolphin pose is classified as both a standing pose and a mild inversion. It has a lot in common with what is perhaps the best known yoga pose, downward facing dog. This pose can be done by students at any level of practice, but is often used in intermediate and advanced yoga classes. This pose can also be used as a modification of the downward facing dog pose, particularly if it causes pain in the wrists. This modification is often used in yoga therapy and in regular yoga classes for people with problems involving the wrists, such as tendonitis, arthritis … Continue reading

Writing with a Wrist Injury

In case you’re worried — I’m not the one with the wrist injury. Thank goodness! I have a friend who has rheumatoid arthritis AND tendinitis, leaving her at the computer with only one hand for typing. So what happens when you can’t type (or do other hand-centric tasks) but you need to? I’d be up a creek without a paddle if I couldn’t find my way to tippity tap on the keyboard! My friend is struggling with her wrist-related restrictions. The way she sees it, she has a few options: Stay away from the computer and get no work done. … Continue reading

Prevent Wrist RSI

If you spend a lot of time at your desk in front of the computer, you may be concerned about repetitive stress injuries to your wrists. There are many different types of wrist RSI, including tendonitis, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Here are a few things you can do to help protect yourself against wrist RSI. Cover the basics. That includes maintaining an appropriate weight, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and getting regular cardiovascular exercise. Unhealthy habits cause stress all over the body! Keep your arm, wrist, and hand muscles in shape. If those areas are already active and strong, … Continue reading

Treating RSI

If you believe you have a repetitive stress injury (RSI), here are some things you should do. Talk to your health care professional. Don’t just assume you have a repetitive stress injury! Some can be tricky to diagnose — like when I thought I had carpal tunnel syndrome but didn’t. Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion. Talk to a chiropractor, personal trainer, ergonomic specialist, or massage therapist. Let someone who has a different perspective chime in. Figure out what is causing the pain and stop doing it. Many repetitive stress injuries can be fixed by removing the source … Continue reading

What is Repetitive Stress Injury?

Carpal tunnel syndrome gets a lot of press, but it’s only one of many possible injuries that fall under the heading of repetitive stress injury or RSI. What is an RSI? Any injury caused by overuse or over-stress on a body part. In other words, using the body in a way that the body wasn’t designed for — at least not repeatedly, or for long periods of time. Often, RSI refers to a joint and the muscles, bones, tendons, or bursas that operate the joint. The initial impact of overuse or over-stress may not be noticeable — think about flexing … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for Jan 29 – Feb 9

The pregnancy blog has recently covered topics related to infertility, birth, VBAC and other health related topics. If you haven’t been reading or missed something, the pregnancy blog review is a good place to catch up on the recent topics. Fatigue is one of the side effects of pregnancy that women complain about most. A condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome compounds the problem. Read more in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Pregnancy. By now, most women have heard that caffeine is not good during pregnancy. There is mounting evidence to support eliminating caffeine from your diet. A recent study confirms … Continue reading

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Pets

In light of Moose’s limping (and my suspicion that it is related to hip dysplasia), I spent some time today researching glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine is found naturally in the body in cartilage and synovial fluid (the lubricating fluid in your joints). Adding a glucosamine supplement is believed to help repair and protect cartilage that may be damaged by arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other joint disorders like bursitis, tendinitis, inflamed discs, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. Glucosamine is used by humans as well as dogs and cats for the same ailments. You and your pets can take the same supplement … Continue reading

Teaching Children Ergonomics

In some previous articles, I have discussed the controversy over teaching computer skills to young children. Most schools now have computer laborites and offer computer classes to children beginning in kindergarten. One concern brought up by technology hesitates, is the children’s health. One school in Redmond, Washington has decided that learning the basic keystrokes and mouse functions are not the only important concepts when it comes to technology. The school also teaches ergonomics. Ergonomics is a Greek word that relates work to the person. The concept of ergonomics is to help the user or worker learn to be comfortable and … Continue reading

Try Active Relaxation At Work

Sounds like an oxymoron, right? Active relaxation — is it possible to have one with the other? Try these gentle exercises to help beat stress and increase flexibility. If you spend most of your day sitting at a desk or in front of a computer, these stretches are for you! Wrist stretches. The dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury are big fears for folks who spend a lot of time at the keyboard. Give your hands and wrists a break with a quick prayer stretch: place your palms together, fingers straight and push. All you need is a … Continue reading