Ever After (1998)

“Ever After” is a smartly written romance that never fails to make me smile (or cry a bit too). It is supposed to be the true story of the servant girl that was the inspiration for the fairy tale “Cinderella.” Danielle De Barbarac (Drew Barrymore) lives with her widowed father in France, around the 1540s. He frequently travels for business leaving young Danielle to fend for herself with help from their trusted servants. After one trip, he returns home with the Baroness Rodmilla De Ghent (played perfectly by Angelica Huston) and her two daughters Jacqueline and Marguerite. He tells Danielle … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Feeding on Demand, Twins and Your Sanity

Question: Did you keep your twins on the same schedule? I’m trying to breastfeed on demand but I am going crazy–I need more sleep! As a mother of twins, I can tell you that EVERYONE who has twins goes through this sleep deprivation and it is hard. I can’t tell you how many mothers I’ve talked to who say, “If there were one baby I could do this. . .but two?” My first piece of advice is do whatever you have to do to get some help. Plenty of mothers of singletons have help for the first month or so. … Continue reading

Marriage Myths: Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Don’t believe everything you read. Don’t believe it whether you read it here or somewhere else. That being said, when I say don’t believe everything you read, I mean that you should read everything with a grain of salt. This protects you from just believing something because that’s what you’ve been told and to cross check your information against other sources as well as your own experiences. When I write here, that’s exactly what I do. When you talk about marriage and relationships, there is an entire library of research out there with hundreds of different opinions and such. The … Continue reading

Romance & Passion – Ever After

Romance and passion are two ingredients that cannot be manufactured in a relationship. In the beginning of most relationships, we would never imagine trying to manufacture those feelings. We didn’t have to. But as we discussed yesterday, the busier we get – the more we rely on building just a functional relationship and not worry so much about the romance or the passion. By the time we notice the lack of romance and passion – it is not too late – but it is time to make some changes. No one wants to live semi-okay for the rest of their … Continue reading

Tips for Getting Toddlers to Eat Veggies

Toddlers can be very fussy at times, especially when it comes to food. This can pose a problem for parents who want their picky toddlers to eat healthy vegetables. Here are some tips for getting toddlers to eat veggies. An interesting study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study found that toddlers make decisions on what foods to eat, and what foods to avoid, based on social cues. In other words, if everyone else is avoiding the veggies – your toddler will do the same. On the other hand, if your toddler sees that … Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Co-Parenting

There are times when the “happily ever after” ends in divorce. When this happens, couples who are parents must sort out custody and visitation rights. Co-parenting is an option that may work out well for couples that can get along with each other post-divorce. There are also situations where co-parenting just isn’t going to work smoothly. Positive Aspects of Co-Parenting There is a celebrity example of what co-parenting looks like when it works well. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony split up in 2011. In 2015, they posted on Instagram a family photo from the birthday party of their 7-year-old twins. … Continue reading

When Your Child Doesn’t Want to go to Preschool

Your child has been happily attending preschool for a while now. He or she always comes home with a smile and a story about something fun that happened that day. Now, suddenly, your child has started to resist going to preschool. What happened? Here is a quick checklist for parents who are baffled by their child’s declaration of “I don’t want to go to preschool!” Keep in mind that it is totally normal for a child to decided that he or she no longer wants to attend preschool. There are days when you don’t particularly want to go to work, … Continue reading

An Affordable Treasury of Fun

There’s no easier way for kids to explore new and exciting worlds than cuddling up with a favorite book.  Adventures await on each page and there’s no telling where your child’s imagination can take her once she peels back the front cover. And that’s just with one book.  Imagine the fun kids can have when they are gifted with a treasury of stories. If you are looking for an affordable way to keep your kids entertained this summer, consider investing in a box set of books.  My daughter adores her Little Critter Bedtime Stories set.  The colorful collection is a … Continue reading

A Street Cat Named Bob

About a month ago a friend lent me a really heartwarming book.  I blew through it in a weekend.  I’ve never done a book review for the Pets blog before, but this seems appropriate.  The book is called “A Street Cat Named Bob: How One Man and His Cat Found Hope on the Streets,” by James Bowen.  Don’t worry: this isn’t a real tear-jerker of a book.  It’s a sweet, inspirational story of how a very special cat inspired a lost man to take control of his own life. James Bowen was a recovering drug addict in London.  He’d just … Continue reading

Trusting in a Bigger Picture

I’ve always believed that everything in life happens for a reason. My life hasn’t gone at all how I thought it would, but there have been many lessons that I have learned along my bumpy path. I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger. There were a few years when I wandered aimlessly. I had no real purpose, I was simply living in the moment, without realizing the lasting consequences that those decisions would make someday. My divorce gave me a chance to put all that behind me. It gave me a chance to start anew. I had … Continue reading