Solutions in the Bedroom

Other options for trying to stop or decrease snoring include setting up a humidifier in the room. Let me say on this, that if you have wallpaper, it doesn’t work well but strips it off. We had one when our daughter was young because of asthma problems and that is exactly what happened. We were everlastingly sticking her Laura Ashley print wallpaper back down. Another suggestion is apparently a teaspoonful of honey. If none of the suggestions work, then what can you do? A solution could be for the non snoring partner to go to bed at a different time … Continue reading

A Favorite Recipe and More Tips for Stress Free Entertaining

Here are the final tips for stress free entertaining for you and your spouse, followed by the recipe of my husband’s favorite dessert. 9. If dinner feels like too much hassle, invite friends for afternoon tea at your home instead. Or invite them out for coffee at the local coffee shop 10. Check when making arrangements for a meal of afternoon tea that the person has no allergies. I once made a chicken dinner only to find out as it was being served that the person was allergic to chicken. Now I ask beforehand if they have any allergies. 11. … Continue reading