So Much Trash

I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of trash that is generated on Christmas day. As a rule we are pretty good about reducing, reusing and recycling but Christmas comes and all our good intentions fly right out the window. Every Christmas I try to reduce the amount of trash, not only to save the planet but to save money and the amount of time it takes me to clean up after such a crazy day. I always save gift boxes from year to year, I never buy gift tags, there is always plenty of paper around the house … Continue reading

How to Use Coupons at a Warehouse Grocery Store

Did you know that you can use coupons and discounts at those warehouse grocery stores, such as Costco, Sam’s Club and BJs? It is true. You just have to know which coupons you can use and how to get them. Read more to learn about using coupons at warehouse stores on your groceries, and you’ll save even more than you have been when you shop. Manufacturer Coupons Manufacturer coupons that are not store specific can be found in several different places, including Sunday inserts from the newspaper, online at and other websites, in magazines and more. BJs is currently … Continue reading

Making Embellishments Pop

If you are a budget scrapper, then you are likely best friends with the sale buckets located at the back of scrapbook shops. The containers, housing reduced priced embellishments, are a gold mine for frugal crafters looking to stretch their scrapbooking dollar. I never miss a chance to dig through the sale buckets at my local scrapbook store. In fact, today I hit the jackpot because the bins were crammed with Fourth of July-themed embellishments which were on sale for 50 to 75 percent off. Granted, much of the materials were generic (stars, flags, flowers, etc.), but they can easily … Continue reading

School’s Out! Now What?

Summer vacation can be the best of times or worst of times for parents with bored kids. If you are scrambling for ways to keep your children entertained during the dog days of summer break from school, consider these kid-friendly activities that yield sweet treats, full stomachs and huge smiles: SWEET SAND CASTLE Ingredients: 1 package (18 1/4 ounces) banana cake mix plus ingredients to prepare mix as directed on box 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 package (6 serving size) instant butterscotch flavor pudding mix, plus ingredients to prepare mix as directed on box Clean small … Continue reading

There’s No Place like Home …

And yet, having a home of one’s own seems like a nearly impossible dream in this economy. It takes a long time to save up the money necessary for a down payment, and having a large down payment seems the only way to bring the monthly payment down to where it can really be afforded. Many renters feel trapped right now, thinking that they will never be able to break out of their current situation and achieve their dream of ownership. My husband and I own our trailer home, but it’s only a three-bedroom, two bath, and with four children, … Continue reading

All About the Do

My best friend has a Black Friday tradition that hasn’t been broken in nearly a decade. Instead of hitting the malls to scoop up holiday deals, my pal and the rest of the females in her family head to the spa for Black Friday makeovers. Since we don’t live in the same state, I’m not always privy to the results of the girls-only spa day. Fortunately, I still get a chance to revel in the memories because my friend is a die-hard scrapper and all of the photos that are snapped on the big spa day are almost immediately featured … Continue reading

Are You Spending Too Much Time In The Kitchen?

Working from home has many benefits, and a smaller grocery bill is one of them. Whether you are accustomed to stopping for coffee or a latte on the way to work, picking up lunch from a sandwich shop near the office, or both, you will spend less on food by eating three meals a day at home on most days. Eating meals that you prepare at home is not only economical; it can be healthier if you stock your fridge and pantry with foods that are good for you. All of this sounds great, and it is, but my inner … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: September 2008

Now that September is come and gone and the kiddies are settled back into school and regular routines, it is time to welcome the fall. Still, there is plenty of good stuff that went on in September, including a bunch of ways to save money. September 1st Frugal Living Week in Review: August 25th Through August 31st Food and back to school are the two things on my mind this week. I e-mailed my son’s teacher ahead of time to ask about additional supplies that she might need for the classroom. She said that she usually asks parents for antibacterial … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: June 2008

What a happy month is June, filled with the renewal of spring and the promise of summer. In the last month, we have shared so many ideas for frugal living and saving money. This past month has seen some pretty big increases in food, gas and other items (look for an upcoming post about strawberries increasing more than 100 percent). Now more than ever, it is important to save money where we can. This is why I decided to do a month in review. June 2nd Frugal Living Review: May 26th Through June 1st Garage sale shopping has got to … Continue reading

Sunday Travel Funnies: Gas and Giggles

Yesterday my best friend called from Hawaii to inform me that a gallon of regular unleaded gas has now reached $4.50 in our hometown (that, and her son broke his arm at a local playground). The record breaking price of fuel is no laughing matter for families who live on a fixed income, but what might get a few giggles is the way some folks have been dealing with the financial burden. For example, in Arlington, Washington, staff members at a local dental office are switching from four wheels to four legs to save money on gas. According to reports, … Continue reading