75 Things You Can Do to Save Money

If you need or want to tighten your budget, there are so many things that you can do to save money. Pick a few from the list and get started today, or try them all. It will be nice to have some extra money available. Mow your own lawn and perform lawn care yourself. Drink water instead of flavored drinks. Get rid of the cleaning service. Perform your own minor repairs, such as patching a hole or fixing a leaky faucet. Change your oil in the car. Paint a room yourself. Hand wash clothing instead of taking it to the … Continue reading

Why Don’t Our Mice Do That?

Something strange has been happening in our home lately since we brought home the Disney movie Enchanted. I won’t give you any of the details of the movie. You can check with the Media Blog for that, but suffice it to say that we are looking at our home in a new light. The whole family is singing and dancing around the house, humming happy working songs and expecting the local wildlife to come and help us with our dishes. But, since I just spent most of my day preparing turkey pot pies and cleaning up the kitchen, I am … Continue reading

My Spring Cleaning the Master Closet 2

Come with me and help me spring clean my master closet. Add your tips in the comment section. I’m going through clothing right now, but there is more ahead. So, we are still in my master closet, and regarding clothing, I also got rid of items that needed repair. Since I hadn’t bothered to repair anything in years, there was probably very little chance that I would have the motivation to do so any time soon. Maybe it is wasteful not to repair the skirt with the pulled out hem, for example, but it is just as wasteful to leave … Continue reading

Frugal Activities in the Park

Now that the nice spring weather is here, we have been somewhat taking advantage of our local parks. There are so many fun and free or frugal activities to do there. Here are just a few. If your park has a paved path: Bike (My son just learned to ride his bike on the park’s paved path, and my two little ones love using their tricycles and ride on toys on the path.) Walk (Whether you like to walk in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening, the park is always open at least until dusk.) Run sprint … Continue reading

My Spring Cleaning the Master Closet

The closets in your home can hide many interesting things. This week, I am taking the time to go through all of the closets in our home to de-clutter and organize these spaces. And does anyone need a nice suede skirt or a collection of scrunchies from the 80s? The first closet I attacked on my self-appointed mission was own own master closet. This closet is not only the keep of the clothes that belong to my husband and the clothes that belong to myself, but it is also the keeper of a number of other things, such as the … Continue reading

More Tips for Updating a Garage

Spring cleaning can also mean spring cleaning out. And there is probably no better space in most people’s homes than the garage for an overhaul. I already shared some ideas for simple updates to the garage space that will make a big impact. Now, I have some more tips for you. If you have an outside door leading in to your garage, consider replacing it with a 15-pane door. The panes of glass will let in a lot of light to the space. If you are worried about privacy, you can hand a curtain or blind as needed. For a … Continue reading

Surviving a Low Thermostat (3)

We have been talking about ways to make it easier to feel comfortable while keeping the thermostat low to save on heating costs. I have found that we have been saving a lot by putting up with a cooler home this during this winter. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things that has helped us feel more comfortable. And as an added bonus, I find that our bodies more adjusted to the outdoors, so we can spend more time going for walks, playing in the backyard and exploring a local botanical garden (Yes there is still plenty to do … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: December 3rd through December 9th

Can you believe that it is just a few more weeks until Christmas? I have to confess that I don’t even have all of my decorations up or shopping and gift making done, yet. I hope you are doing better in that department than I am! This past week, we have had plenty of holiday articles, from decorating to gift giving ideas, all crafted with tips to save you money this season. Here is the Frugal Living blog week in review for December 3rd through December 9th December 3rd Free Land In the heart of American, towns from far and … Continue reading

Create Beautiful Gift Certificates Online

There is no doubt that making your own gift certificates is a great way to be frugal during the holidays. You can customize your gift to fit anyone. The best part about creating your own gift certificate is that you can choose to give a gift of time, something that may not cost any actual money but will make a large impact. Regiftable.com, a website that is dedicated to the art of re-gifting, offers beautiful gift certificates that you can customize and then print out as needed. They have some really nice designs. The gift certificate maker in under a … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: December 3 – 9

Top Tree Trimming Trends Do you do trendy? What’s hot this season in holiday decorations? If the Weather outside is frightful… The weather can change dramatically as we head from one season to another. Are you prepared for winter weather? Home Repair and Maintenance Tips Do you have any home improvement projects on the agenda? Check out these tips. Home Safety: Entertaining Holiday Guests When I think of having house-guests, the first word that usually comes to mind is comfort… however, safety should be first. Removing BPA from Your Home A timely and important article. What isn’t toxic these days? … Continue reading