Parental Dilemma: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service

Apparently the home of the Whopper has a thing against pigs… or at least little piggies. Just ask Jennifer Frederich. The young mother recently made a pit stop at a Burger King restaurant in Missouri with her 6-month-old daughter, but shortly after she ordered her meal the manager of the Sunset Hills restaurant threatened to kick her out of the eatery because her baby wasn’t wearing shoes. The manager noted that the fast-food restaurant has a strict “No Shoes, No Service” policy and demanded that Frederich find footwear for her child due to “health concerns.” According to local news reports, … Continue reading

Ideas for keeping homeschooling fun: Prioritize your field trips

Homeschoolers know that the word “home” in homeschooling is hardly descriptive. We spend a great deal of time driving around to different activities for sports, enrichment activities, co-ops and more. To our surprise, we sometimes become focussed on creating a wealth of well rounded classes and activities, that we actually forget to schedule field trips. In my case, you would think that seeing my daughters interest in theater that we would have seen several plays. We have not. This past year she has participated in two plays, and that and her academics have taken up so much time that we … Continue reading

Buy My Daughter—PLEASE!

I’ve met dads who squander their blessings on a regular basis, but the father of “Slumdog Millionaire” child star Rubina Ali, takes the cake. When it comes to epitomizing bad parenting, 36-year-old Rafiq Qureshi is in a league of his own. Parents around the planet have been buzzing about the recent report detailed in Britain’s News of the World, which maintains that the poverty-stricken father planned to place his 9-year-old movie star daughter up for adoption for $300,000-400,000, so he could escape the squalor of Mumbai and find happiness elsewhere. For the record Qureshi claims that the entire story is … Continue reading

The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Marriage and Your Family

Someone recently asked in the forum about the responsibilities of fathers. I believe the best thing a man can do for his children is to love his wife and the best thing a woman can do is to love her husband. It is best for the children and also for each other that you show your spouse that you love them by your words and by your actions. Your spouse needs to know that they are the most important person in your life. Yes, the kids may be important and you want them to know how much you love them. … Continue reading

How to Find the Secret of Contentment

Do you struggle to find contentment in your life? We’ve all heard about the age old line about the grass being greener elsewhere. But sadly people often find out after they’ve tried it, after they’ve broken up a marriage or moved house or changed job or whatever it might be that is causing their discontent, that this is not the case. A simpler solution rather than chasing new experiences is to learn to be content in the situation we are in, which often appears easier said than done. So how can you find contentment? Is it even possible? The apostle … Continue reading

Unexpected References to Adoption in Children’s Books: Little House on the Prairie

It must be the phenomenon that once something is close to you, you see it everywhere. My daughters and I find adoption issues cropping up everywhere, even in books and shows that aren’t supposed to be about adoption at all. The girls and I have been reading all of Laura Ingalls’ Wilder’s books –nine books written by Laura Ingalls Wilder about her life from age five through the first years of her marriage–plus a book written from Laura’s mother’s point of view, another from her daughter’s point of view, and even one from the viewpoint of “poor little rich girl”, … Continue reading

Home Month in Review: November 2008

Is your home ready for the holidays and winter? Now that November is over, it is time to gear up for the December ahead. Take a look at last months articles and see if there is anything you missed! November 1st Home Blog Month in Review: October As I sit here looking out my window at the backyard, the birds are hovering in the pine tree against a strong wind and steady rain. The temperature is chilly today, and the calendar reminds me that we have left October behind. November 2nd Fall and Holiday Decorating with Nature 2 Isn’t it … Continue reading

Grandma in the White House

Now that they’ve exhausted the puppy issue, the media has suddenly become obsessed with the prospect of Michelle Obama’s mother becoming the First Grandmother and moving into the White House with the rest of the family come January. Granny’s in the hoooooouse! According to news reports, after some prodding, Michelle convinced her 71-year-old mother Marian Robinson to leave her home on the South Side of Chicago and move to Washington, D.C. with the rest of the Obama’s. Initial reports had the Obama’s looking for new digs for Robinson near the White House, but now some media outlets are reporting that … Continue reading

Tristi’s Testimony

Today is bittersweet for me. I’ve been a blogger on for two years and two months. I started out in Media, added Movies, added LDS, then went to just LDS and Media, then went to LDS and Weight Loss. I’ve had so much fun and met so many wonderful people, readers and bloggers alike. I’ve loved my time here and I’m sorry to see it come to an end, but life is calling me in some different directions and as much as I’d love to take every single path presented me, I can’t. So this is my last blog … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: July 2008

July went by so quickly for us! There were so many fun and frugal activities and events for us to explore, from a science camp to free movies and sand sculpting. I hope your July was equally fun and frugal. Summer is a busy time, I know. Did you miss any frugal articles last month? If so, here is an opportunity to catch up on what you missed. There are new ways to save money on food, clothing, kids, gas and more. Feel free to leave a comment on any frugal post. I read all of the comments myself, no … Continue reading