Try a New Scrapbook Look Using Black and White Photos

If you were to take a look through my scrapbooks you would see a lot of color. The album itself, the pictures inside, the paper and embellishments all scream color. I’m sure this is true for most scrapbookers. We tend to really like color. Recently I have been thinking of doing something a little different. I really appreciate the look and beauty of black and white photos. Black and white photos are simple but sophisticated. They have an elegance to them that is very unique. A black and white photo scrapbook would definitely be something very different. It would be … Continue reading

Taking Scrapbook-worthy Photos

Scrapbooking is a hugely popular hobby. And it’s rewarding to come away from your creative space with something that both preserves memories and was fun to create. While I enjoy scrapbooking, one of the challenges I face is finding scrapbook-worthy photos. I spend a lot of time taking photos of nature and architecture. Trees, flowers, symmetry, lines, and other abstract things. I don’t take a lot of time to photograph people. And while a few photos of some of these other things are nice in a scrapbook, they’re not what you generally are looking for in a scrapbook. I’m not … Continue reading

Displaying Memorabilia in a Scrapbook

Recently I scanned some old pictures of myself that I found in some scrapbooks I had created years ago. My scrapbooks include a lot of memorabilia, including newspaper clippings. The thing that stands out with the newspaper clippings is how they have yellowed. I have more scrapbooks that I still want to create and they will include newspaper clippings. But I really hate the idea of them yellowing. I happened across an article just the day other and it gave a solution to the yellowing problem. You take a capful of Milk of Magnesia and pour it into a bottle … Continue reading

Scrapbookers Block

We have all heard of writers block. I have been known to suffer from it myself. Less known is what I call scrapbookers block. It’s similar to writers block. You are ready to scrapbook. You have all of your pictures and supplies out, ready to go, but then suddenly you are stuck. Now what? You have absolutely no idea how to go about creating your page. Perhaps you have been stuck in a pattern where every page or album looks pretty much the same, with only the colors being different. You are tired of putting together simple pages. But you … Continue reading

The 82nd Annual Academy Awards’ Weirdest Moment

If you watched the 82nd Annual Academy Awards last night, you saw there weren’t many surprises. Hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin were charming and humorous, but there were no really scandalous or risky jokes. Jeff Bridges locked up Best Actor and Sandra Bullock pulled off her expected Best Actress win. But, there was one surreal moment. It was in the middle of the ceremony when Best Documentary Short was announced. I know what you are thinking “Best Documentary Short?” It is usually during times like this when people go to the kitchen to get a snack. Last night, Music … Continue reading

How to Organize If You Don’t Have a Scrapbook Room

I am not one of those lucky souls to have a scrapbook room. I know of one lady who not only has a scrapbook room but she decorated it with a Star Wars theme. This is her room for scrapbooking and nothing else. I would love to have one of those but I have to utilize all of my extra space for my work. When my writing work began taking over the extra space I once had, I realized there was nowhere to go with my scrapbooking materials. So at one point I just bagged it all and shoved it … Continue reading

Creating a Journal Scrapbook

A journal scrapbook is similar to a regular one in that it captures memories but it is filled with more words than pictures. It serves almost as if it’s a diary. I started putting one together a few years ago and laid it aside but I plan on picking it back up again. I happened to save enough memorabilia over the years, going back into my childhood days that I can put together a pretty nice journal scrapbook. One of the pages of my journal scrapbook holds a dog biscuit. Now that might sound strange but let me explain why. … Continue reading

A Scrapbook for Everyone

My children aren’t quite ready to move out but when they do I want to have a scrapbook dilemma solved. I would love to send them off with scrapbooks that they can keep and eventually pass on down to their children. The problem is if I give away all my scrapbooks to them, I will have nothing left. I haven’t quite arrived where I would like to be but a few years ago I started trying to solve that problem by creating multiple scrapbooks. Ideally you should have duplicates made of your pictures. The best way to go about this … Continue reading

Creating Binder Scrapbooks

When you think of scrapbooking what usually comes to mind? Most of us think about scrapbooking as a way to preserve memories. Sometimes, though, we need to think outside of the box when it comes to preserving memories through scrapbooking. I love the fancy, beautiful binders that can be found when you are getting ready to work on a scrapbook project. I have a variety of colors, sizes and themes when it comes to my scrapbooks. They are filled with pictures and other memorabilia that I really do treasure. Not only do I treasure pictures, though, I also treasure keepsakes … Continue reading

How to Catch Up Scrapbooking

If there is one deterrent to a person scrapbooking their pictures it’s when they have “fallen behind.” You know what I’m talking about—when your child is now in high school and you have yet to scrapbook pictures of when he was in preschool. The idea of trying to catch up can feel overwhelming. It really doesn’t have to be. The problem is we think we have to start at the beginning. But it actually makes more sense and is less overwhelming to start at the end and work backwards. Here’s what I mean—first, you have to get all your pictures … Continue reading