When an Agreement Can’t be Reached

Negotiations are a part of many of our businesses—we might have to negotiate for contracts or to try to make sales, or we may find ourselves negotiating with a colleague or vendor. Despite the best intentions or even if we are rather skilled in the negotiation department, there are going to be those time when we just cannot reach an agreement with the other party… We have all been there—you have talked and talked and tried to find common ground and come to a mutually satisfactory agreement and there are just deal-breakers; those hurdles that cannot seem to be cleared. … Continue reading

Finding Things You CAN Agree On

I know from experience that it is much easier to focus on the ways and things that two divorced parents DON’T agree on. After all, we didn’t get divorced because we were so incredibly compatible. As two households and two different parenting styles take shape after a separation or divorce, it can seem like there’s no way to find common ground. BUT, for the sake of the children, finding things that you can agree on, gives you and the other parent a place to build cooperation and compromise. Instead of zeroing in on all the ways you and your children’s … Continue reading