Do Children Grind Their Teeth?

Teeth grinding isn’t just an adult problem! As much as a third of all children grind their teeth at certain points in their lives. When do children grind their teeth? Most grinding happens at two points in development: when the baby teeth first emerge and when the permanent (adult) teeth come in. The majority of children will stop grinding their teeth once the baby teeth and adult teeth have come in more fully. Just like adults, children tend to grind their teeth during sleep, rather than when awake. And just like adults, children can experience jaw pain, headaches, wear on … Continue reading

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Many people grind and/or clench their teeth from time to time. When I’m stressed, I often catch myself clenching my teeth (and my shoulders take up residence somewhere around my ears). Occasional teeth grinding — known as bruxism — does not usually do any lasting damage. However, teeth grinding on a regular basis can lead to damage and other complications. Why do people grind their teeth? Bruxism is most often caused by an abnormal bite, missing teeth, or crooked teeth — and most teeth grinding happens during sleep. Sometimes, stress and/or anxiety can be a cause of teeth grinding, too. … Continue reading