Is Divorce Just so Five Minutes Ago?

Is it a time to celebrate? Is it a time to get cynical? Despite the image of Americans as divorce crazy and that you aren’t a real adult until you’ve got at least one divorce under your belt, it seems that the rate of divorce is at its lowest level since 1970. That’s pretty impressive when you consider that 1970 was 2 years before I was born and that the peak in the divorce rate occurred in 1981 when I was just 9 years old. So What Does This Mean? Apparently, that’s still undecided. Even the experts aren’t sure whether … Continue reading

A History of Marriage & Family

Yesterday I posted a discussion and my opinions on the Senate Vote and Marriage. I got a lot of responses to the blog that were thoughtful and filled with passionate conviction. Truth be told, subjects like marriage, family and more are deeply personal and they elicit from even the most uninterested I the subject a passionate viewpoint. The Demise of Family Values Interestingly enough, the worry about the changing family and the demise of the family unit is hardly a new concern. While challenges such as gay marriage may not have confronted American families in the late 1800s, the worries … Continue reading