Homeless Man Does the Right Thing

I write a lot about celebrities who give back, but sometimes it is nice to read about a real person doing the right thing. Billy Ray Harris is a homeless man who was panhandling on the streets of Kansas City.  Last week, Sarah Darling decided to do the right thing and help out her fellow man, in this case, Harris.  She unzipped her wallet and dumped her change in this cup. But, Darling dumped more than her change.  She had forgotten that she had taken off her diamond engagement ring earlier in the day and put it in her wallet. … Continue reading

To Save, To Spend, To Share – An Early Lesson in Frugality and Generosity

My daughter is turning four next month. This is the first time that she has really understood the concept of birthdays (and gifts) for that matter. I want to thank the Saturday morning advertisers for all of the begging I’ve been putting up with lately, “mommy, maybe for my birthday I can get a big Dora castle like that one…” (and so on…) As a result, I’ve been trying to teach her about money and how it doesn’t grow on trees – as my own mother once warned. I was trying to come up with a simple way to teach … Continue reading