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Laziness – part 2 – in parenting

In parenting – sometimes it’s easier in the short term, not to correct and discipline our children but turn a blind eye to wrong behavior. But it’s not helpful to be lazy in this area.

By ignoring behavioral and disciplinary issues, it leads to bigger problems as the children grow up. Look at some notable examples in the bible – Eli’s sons and Samson. Contrast this with someone like Esther, who learned obedience at an early age from Mordecai, Esther 2.20. Though Mordecai was her uncle, he was in all senses her parent figure.

Spoiling a child does not show a child that you love them. The bible tells us the opposite is the case. Proverbs 13:24, 29:15. And we’ve all seen cases where a spoilt child creates problems not only the parent but for society as a whole. I believe many of the problems in society can be traced back to parents who have abdicated their parenting responsibilities and taken the lazy or easy option.

Hebrews 12:5-11 reminds us that God disciplines us for our good. Should we do any less for our children? In another passage the bible tells us to correct our children and they will give ‘give you comfort’ and ‘delight your soul,’ Proverbs 29:17. As the parent of adult offspring, who are an asset to society, a delight to those who know them and whose company I enjoy, I can testify this is true.

Yes, I admit it’s not easy and there were times during the parenting process, when it all seemed too much effort but in the long run it is worth it.

Parents can have a huge influence not just on their own children but with their children’s friends as well as the wider society. Let me give you an example. Several days ago I received an email regarding a woman from Nowra. Last year she and a friend decided to start a choir for 6-8 year old girls.

Some of the girls were from church but the rest were friends from various schools. The choir sings songs with a strong Christian message. They regularly sing for residents of nursing homes. Till one day the woman had surely, a God inspired idea.

She rang Stocklands, our local shopping centre. The woman on the other end of the phone was supportive. The result? This girls’ choir will be singing, on the Thursday evening before Easter, songs which tell clearly of Jesus dying and rising to life. Can I suggest we pray that their message will touch the hearts of those who listen so they will respond to Jesus and sort out where they stand with God?

If there is something God has spoken to you about parenting from this blog, I would love to hear about it.

Bible verses from the New American Standard Version

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