The Truth About Your Diet During Pregnancy

One of the assumptions I made about pregnancy prior to becoming pregnant is I’d have a diet-related Get out of Jail Free card.  I knew that there are certain foods it’s best to avoid, but I thought at least I’d have a free pass to eat, well, not quite as much as I wanted, but to feel a bit more guilt-free about evening ice cream binges. That turned out not to be the case at all.  First off, the whole “eating for two” thing isn’t true.  At most, you should eat for one and a quarter.  In addition to that, … Continue reading

Running Your First Marathon?

If you have been running for some time and are contemplating taking it a step further prepare your body first. Running in a first-time marathon is major. It is major exciting and major challenging. Like most beginning marathon runners you probably like both of those ideas, excitement and challenge. It is a thrill to be out there for the first time with a bunch of other runners. You are hoping to win, of course, but that is not the most important thing in mind. We all want to win, but even more you want to prove it to yourself that … Continue reading

More/Fitness Women’s Half-Marathon 2010

On April 23-April 24, 2010 there will be a Health & Wellness Expo in New York City sponsored by More magazine and Fitness magazine. There will also be a Half-Marathon on April 25, 2010. This is the 7th Annual More + Fitness Half Marathon to take place. This event is open to all women ages 12 and up. The Health & Wellness Expo weekend begins with the distribution of t-shirts, gift bags and other goodies to the runners. Once inside the Expo, which is near Times Square, everyone can meander around to view health related exhibits, gather sample size products, … Continue reading

Fitness Footwear

I once drove 120 miles to get my hands on a pair of discontinued running shoes. For some reason Nike constantly gets rid of the shoes that I perform best in. Seriously. Every single pair of Nike running shoes I’ve completed marathons in has been yanked from store shelves leaving me to scour the Internet for leftovers. When it comes to exercise and footwear, most people are quite loyal to their stomps. However, I recently considered straying from my beloved Nikes to try out a pair of performance enhancing EasyTone shoes by Reebok. The popular show manufacturer recently debuted its … Continue reading

Runners vs. Drivers—Sharing the Road with Lunatics on Four Wheels

Granted I have never been pelted with a half-eaten jelly donut while cruising down the street on my morning run, but I’ve had my share of empty plastic bottles hurled in my direction over the years. Runners (all 41 million of us in this country, according to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association) often become targets of lunatics behind the wheel regardless of whether or not we deserve to be. Okay, “deserve” may be a bit strong, though I’ve seen many a runner darting through intersections, cutting off vehicles and sprinting in the middle of public streets. This lack of running … Continue reading

Running: It’s All About the Shoes–Part 2

Now that you’ve determined that you need a new pair of running shoes (the forefoot is shifted medially and laterally or you’re always suffering injury) and you’ve found the best place to shop, consider the following tips to get the right fit: Work the Shoe. Experts recommend that you leave a finger’s width between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. Meaning each shoe you try on should have an index finger’s width between your longest toe and the end of the toe box. Once you get the shoe on don’t be afraid to move around in it. … Continue reading

Running: It’s All About the Shoes

It is for me anyway. I am a severe overpronator and I sustained a nasty injury as a result of not wearing proper shoes when training for my first marathon. That was nearly a decade ago and since then I have spent countless hours researching running and other sport specific footwear. If you are just getting started in a specific sport and are shopping for shoes I would suggest the following: Find a Reputable Specialty Shoe Store. With all due respect to discount retailers, if you want a quality pair of running shoes you need to shop at a store … Continue reading

Getting Fit: No More Excuses

With the holidays fast approaching many people find themselves sucked into the shopping vortex. To-do lists are growing and finding time to get everything done is challenging to say the least. The months of November and December are also the time of year when many people slack on their fitness routines because they simply can’t find the time to get in a workout. Personally, I feel the opposite should be true. This is the time of year when you should try even harder to maintain your exercise regimen. After all, most of us tend to eat more during the holiday … Continue reading

Running While Pregnant

In a previous blog I marveled at a spirited mom who was featured in a recent issue of Runner’s World magazine. She ran a marathon while she was eight months pregnant and is now preparing to run another with the son she carried in utero. Having struggled to complete the various marathons I’ve run (while not pregnant) I can’t imagine the mindset this mom possesses. It’s simply amazing to me. While sharing my thoughts about the fearless mom with a fellow running friend of mine I was reminded that super runner Paula Radcliffe also trained for the New York City … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for October 13-19, 2008

What kind of music do you listen to while you workout? Would you consider running a marathon while you were pregnant? Do you skip over warm-ups and cool downs because you want to get out of the gym and on with your day as quickly as possible? Those are just a few of the questions posed last week in the FITNESS blog. To see what else you might have missed take a look at the following recap: October 13th—–How “Fit” is Your Child’s Cereal? Most of us are so concerned about getting our children off the couch and outside to … Continue reading