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Accepting Help

I have always been fiercely independent. From the time I was young I wanted to prove that I could do things on my own. So when I found myself as a young single mother with nowhere to go it was very difficult for me to accept the help from those around me. I was so thankful to have such an amazing group of people reaching out to me, but in my mind, accepting that help meant that I had failed. I wanted to badly to be able to do things on my own, but under the circumstances that just wasn’t an option for me. I desperately needed to finish my education. Without it I knew that I would never be able to fully support my son. My parents were kind enough to offer their home to Logan and I while I completed the rest of my schooling. Their generosity was undoubtedly the one thing that allowed me to regain my independence in the long run.

Others around me continued to reach out and offer help as well. There have been countless times that my sweet aunt has picked up Logan from daycare for me. Other times she has offered to babysit and has even given me her son’s hand-me-downs when she knew I couldn’t afford to get Logan the things that he needed.

Friends and family have called on numerous occasions to check on us and see how we are doing and to let us know that they love and care about us. We have been so blessed to have these people in our lives. They have been a strength in our time of need.

I still long for my independence. I dream of the day that Logan and I will be back out on our own, but as time has gone on I’ve learned that there is nothing to be ashamed of. At one time or another we all need a little help to get back on our feet. I will be eternally grateful for the ones who helped me get back on mine.

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.