About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.

Shooting Manual: Spot Metering

In some situations, traditional matrix metering will give you great results. Matrix metering tends to be the default mode for most cameras. As long as your scene is evenly lit, it will work great. The camera’s light meter will look at the whole picture and determine what the correct exposure should be. The exposure will be incorrect, however, when there are areas of intense white or black in the photo. For example, if you take a picture in front of a window or other bright light source, your picture will end up underexposed. If you take a picture in front … Continue reading

Using Window Light For Portraits

Did you know you can create professional looking portraits without expensive studio equipment? It’s true, there are many natural light photographers out there who choose to use natural light for its beautiful appearance. There are some critics out there who will criticize anyone who calls themselves a natural light photographer, saying that they simply don’t know how to use studio lighting, but that is an unfair assumption. Recreating the look of natural light with artificial lighting is extremely expensive and it is not portable! I love using window light because I’ve never met a client who didn’t have a window. … Continue reading

A Few Notes on Composition

I have a guilty pleasure: I like to find bad photography and chuckle at it. Is that terrible? (One of my favorite sites to do this is AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com) Usually, what makes these photos so hilarious is their poor composition. A photo is only a slice of reality; therefore how you frame your subject can either portray reality, improve it, or create a silly or awkward illusion. Silly props and goofy outfits aside, here are a few tips for composing your pictures: 1. Avoid limb chops. Try not to “cut off” fingertips, elbows and toes. Acceptable places to crop include the … Continue reading

Fixing Your Cell Phone Photos

For smart phones like the iPhone and Android phones, you can usually do all your editing right on the phone using an app that you download from the App Store or the Android Market. If you don’t have one of these popular phones, though, and you want to make your phone pictures look a little better, you can always load them onto your computer and use regular photo editing software. You don’t need expensive software to give your cell phone pictures a boost. Today I tried out Picnik.com, and I have to say, you can do a whole lot with … Continue reading

Tips For Getting “Tack-Sharp” Focus

Perfect exposure, tack-sharp focus and ideal composition make up the “perfect” photo, although there’s more to art than technical perfection. Mastering your technical skills does allow you to take your photos to the next level, however. Depending on what you are photographing, getting sharp focus is part technique and part intuition. While you can adjust your settings and use the proper equipment, when photographing children, sometimes it’s knowing when to press the shutter, since they can pause or run around at any given moment! With that noted, here are some ways you can improve your chances of getting that tack-sharp … Continue reading

How To Achieve Bright Photos Without Blowouts

One of the most common mistakes new photographers make when it comes to exposure is either making the photo too dark (underexposed) or clipping highlights (overexposed). The difference between a bright photo and an overexposed photo is that in an overexposed photo, the brightest spots will be printed without detail, simply appearing as white. These are also sometimes called “blown” highlights. They are not a good thing, but neither is a dark photograph. If you are serious about photography and want perfect exposure, you need to be shooting in RAW format so that you can tweak your exposures in post … Continue reading

What Do You Need to Get Started?

Every mom wants to take better pictures of her kids. Photography is one of those things that everyone can improve on because there is so much to learn and master, but there are a few key things that you can buy or do that will make a big difference. Buy a DSLR and a good lens. Point and shoot cameras are convenient and for some types of photography (like landscapes) they are all you need. A marker of a good portrait, however, is pulling the focus to the subject through the creative use of depth of field. In simple terms, … Continue reading

How to Make Your Facebook Photos Look Better

Have you ever put a lot of work into editing a picture, only to upload it to Facebook and have it look terrible? It happens to a lot of people and there is a way to prevent this loss of quality. You see, Facebook resizes your images to fit, but it does not apply any sharpening, which is essential for optimal web viewing. By resizing your photos and sharpening them before you upload them, you will achieve the best quality and your Facebook friends will see your photo in all of its “original” glory. I always resize my Facebook images … Continue reading

How to Get the Most Out of Your Camera

Over the years I have had several different cameras, some film and some digital. One thing that I have learned is that what you know about your camera has a dramatic impact on what you are able to achieve with it. A camera is just a tool, and the better you get at using it, the better results you will have. It seems so obvious, and yet that is not what many advertisers would have you believe. Camera ads aim to convince you that their camera will take the best pictures. The truth is, cameras don’t take pictures any more … Continue reading

Sick Days

My poor baby has the flu. Thank goodness he is not throwing up, or I’d be in big trouble. I am just dreading the day that happens. I imagine this awful scene where I am covered in vomit and I don’t know how to respond. Although, judging by all the poo incidents around here lately, I’m beginning to think that puke would not be as big of a deal as I have previously thought. Still, it’s not fun to watch your little one suffer from a fever, chills and body aches. Our son is normally a tornado, whipping through the … Continue reading