Great Grad Shots

Next week kicks off a wave of graduation ceremonies in my neck of the woods. Our city is home to seven high schools and all of them are hosting commencement exercises following the Memorial Day weekend. That means shutterbugs and their cameras will be working overtime in the coming days. While it’s tradition to snap shots of grads on commencement day, it’s also a good idea to take a few photos before the big event. This is especially true if you are planning to craft a graduation-themed scrapbook or feature pictures of your high school senior at a post-commencement party. … Continue reading

Gearing Up for a Plethora of Photo Ops

Dads, grads, and new pads. The coming weeks bring an avalanche of special photo opportunities, from graduation ceremonies to Father’s Day, weddings and summer moves. If your camera has been hibernating for the winter, now is the time to wipe off the cobwebs and get shooting. For those of you who received a new camera for Christmas but have been putting off using it, the upcoming holidays and special events are prime opportunities to experiment. However, before you get snapping, it’s a good idea to acquaint yourself with your camera’s many modes. For example, even if you don’t have an … Continue reading

Capturing Summer Stunners

Remember: The sun is your friend. When I first got into photography, I would regularly curse the sun’s presence because, as a newbie, I didn’t know how to get the big ball of blazing gases to work for me. These days, I am well aware of the “golden hours” (the half hour before, and half hour after, sunrise or sunset) and the benefits of owning a diffuser. What’s more, I now know not to take aim at photo subjects at high noon on a bright and sunny summer day. Photographing people in the middle of the day is far from … Continue reading

Prepping for Major Photo Ops

May is a huge month for professional and amateur photographers alike. Between prom, commencement, weddings, and a slew of parties celebrating everyone from mom to kindergarten graduates, there is little time for your camera to remain idle. Shutterbugs will get their workout this month capturing special moments that make up each of the aforementioned occasions. However, no matter how hard you try to document all of the memories unfolding at these events, if you are not organized you’re bound to miss a few. The key to keeping it all straight is to devise a shot list prior to the event. … Continue reading

Old School Mother’s Day Photos

Does your mom long for the good ol’ days? While it may be impossible to gift her with a trip back in time this Mother’s Day, there are ways you can bring back those nostalgic feelings through photos. Advancements in technology allow photographers of all skill levels the opportunity to create nostalgic images with modern day cameras. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to achieve a retro look is to invest in filters. For example, sepia filters add a yellow tint to pictures, making them look as though they were taken decades ago. Another option is to employ a … Continue reading


I’m not on Twitter, but I often get sent links to updates when a friend or family member shares a photo. Recently, I’ve noticed a trend in the Instagram images I’ve been encouraged to view by my friends’ teenage children. The photos are super glam, and I’m not talking about the ones taken on prom night. Years ago, you would have never seen pictures of sultry-looking teens in cyberspace. In fact, when I was growing up, the only time teens were allowed to be photographed looking 10 years older than they actually were is when they paid for the privilege … Continue reading

Capturing Stunning Summer Shots

As I look back on last summer’s photos, I’ve noticed that 99% of them feature my young daughter participating in some type of water activity. Ironically, I don’t own a waterproof camera. Granted, most of the photos were taken from the safety of a dry pool deck or sandy stretch of beach, but there are instances where I waded into the water in order to capture a unique angle. Fortunately, my camera survived the water exposure. I took a risk by venturing into deep water with my camera, but it paid off. This is not to say that you have … Continue reading

More Picture-Perfect Prom Photos

There’s more to prom than just pretty dresses, tuxedos and a fleet of limos. There’s also the fancy updos, half-dos and do-overs. Oh, and the flowers. For girls, a corsage can make or break a prom ensemble. However, despite its significance, it’s rare that floral arrangements worn on a giddy girl’s wrist receive the documentation they deserve. When taking photos on prom night, don’t overlook defining details such as corsages and boutonnieres. If you are planning to preserve memories of prom in a scrapbook you’ll want to snap every aspect of the occasion. In order to retell the story about … Continue reading

Picture-Perfect Prom

Love is in the air… or maybe it’s teen spirit. Tis the season for high school sweethearts and groups of friends to embark on a spring ritual that helps define teendom–prom. Without a doubt the formal dance is one of the most memorable moments of one’s high school career, so it pays to capture every angle of the special night. For parents, that may mean taking a crash course in prom picture-taking. Some tips to consider include: Pay Attention to Details: This is a theme you should remember throughout the night in every aspect of your shoot. For instance, even … Continue reading

Snapping High Quality Action Shots

I realize how convenient and high-tech smartphones are these days, but I still wouldn’t use my iPhone as a primary camera. While some smartphones come equipped with some very advanced picture-taking features, if you have ever shot with a DSLR, then snapping shots with a camera phone can be a frustrating experience. This goes double if you are trying to capture motion in high action settings. Action shots require skill on the part of the photographer and some vital features on the part of the camera. For example, if you want a blurring effect to be added to your pictures … Continue reading