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Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Fridays

It’s the last day of the week in this blog series. How will you end your week when it comes to cleaning? For me, I can do it in 30 minutes or less. The fact that my entire work week has been like this, makes my life so much easier.

Not to sound like a broken record but once again, my cleaning routine includes breaking out the Lysol wipes and doing a quick wipe down in the kitchen and bathroom, which takes about 5 minutes. Then I focus the remaining time on dusting and mopping.

I can complete dusting in my living room, dining room and bedroom in about 15 minutes. The reason I can is because all I have to do is slip on my dusting mitt or use one of my microfiber cloths.

I don’t use chemicals, spending the time to squirt and wipe. It also saves me money, as these are washable. In addition, they do a much better job at capturing dust. When I use Pledge or a similar product, along with a cloth, all I am really doing is wiping the dust around or causing it to drop to the floor. Microfiber cloths actually catch and hold the dust.

I prefer to use my mitt, which by the way I purchased from Norwex. I slip it on my hand and quickly run over tables, chairs, knickknacks and pictures frames.

What you will also notice when using a microfiber cloth is that you can dust less often. In fact, once-a-week is all I need.

That leaves me about 10 minutes to do my final cleaning job, which is mopping. What? Mopping in 10 minutes you may ask? Yes, I mop my kitchen, dining room and living room. But it is so quick and easy because I use a steam mop.

The other great thing is that I don’t have to wait for the floors to dry before I step on them. It takes just minutes and unless there has been an unusual amount of traffic and dirt, I can stick to doing this once-a-week.

In my next blog, I wrap things up with cleaning in 30 minutes or less over the weekend.

Related Articles:

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less Series

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Mondays

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Tuesdays

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Wednesdays

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Thursdays

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.