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Fall Crafts: Hand Print Projects

Handprints can be used to make all kinds of cute projects. The hand print shirt for Mother’s Day is one example, and it can be adapted for lots of other occasions. You have probably seen hand print turkeys and hand print Christmas trees, which we can go over further as we get closer to these holidays. You may have even seen plaster casts of children’s hand prints. Maybe you even made your own as a child.

These are all great projects. They are a lot of fun, they are simple enough that even the smallest children can do them, and they turn out pretty darn cute. They also provide inspiration.

What other image can you make from a hand print? How about an autumn leaf or a whole bunch of them?

All you have to do is dip little hands into some finger paint and have children press their hands onto whatever surface you want to decorate. Add bits of yarn, string, or clean , small pieces of twigs for stems.

handprint artMake simple pictures on construction paper. Make artwork for your home. Make greeting cards. Cut out your leaves and string them on twine or hang them with raffia. Make a banner or a border fit to hang in the kitchen, dining room, or family room. It will look great now and it will fit in perfectly throughout Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Here are a few helpful tips:

  • Protect your work surface before beginning.
  • Choose washable finger paints that clean up easily.
  • Pour some paint onto paper or foam plates or into shallow containers or lids from disposable plastic containers, for easy hand dipping.
  • Keep a bucket or bowl of warm, soapy water nearby for quick clean ups when it’s time to change colors or in case someone needs to go potty.


Another Mother’s Day Gift Idea

Fourth of July: Flag Projects