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Finishing the Summer Strong

We are year-round homeschoolers to a certain degree. During the school year, the kids take courses outside of the home two days a week, do projects at home, and participate in other activities. At the beginning of every summer, I evaluate children for weak points and assign summer work that will help them improve. I pick only one subject each to work on during the summer. Every year, as we get to the mid summer point, I can see the children’s interest wane.

My son only has three more math chapters to finish and my daughter has about 10 more spelling lists to learn. Lately however, I have noticed that the children are extremely quiet so as not to attract any attention from me. I have also noticed that they are avoiding doing any work.

I realize that it is summer and the kids need a break. This is why I cut way back in the summer only concentrating on areas where they need extra help or want to get a head start. In addition, I don’t want them to be completely idle all summer. My kids don’t like playing outside, and there really isn’t anyone to play with as all the kids are in summer school or at camp. If they had their way they would be couch potatoes and this is unacceptable. So to break up the monotony, we have sent them to youth camp for a few days, as well as having a big trip planned for the end of the summer.

In the meanwhile, I need them to finish the summer strong. My role right now is not as mom, nor teacher. I am officially a cheerleader! I follow the kids around every morning asking what they have completed and have them evaluate if they are on task to meet their end of the summer goals. I cheer them on with “you are doing a great job”, “you can do it” and “atta boys and atta girls”.

If they continue to stay on task, they will finish their work just in time for our summer trip. They will then have almost two weeks to kick back and relax before we start our full time school-year schedule again.

The Cost of Summer Homeschooling

Summer Activities for Homeschoolers Part 1

A-Z Summer Activites for Homeschoolers pt 2