Homeschooling With Charlotte Mason

After watching my two oldest girls struggle with public school due to boredom and friction with “the cool kids,” I decided to home school my three youngest. It was an easy decision, but creating my own curriculum was often confusing. I didn’t want to use the traditional Christian home school programs such as Alpha Omega, Abeka and others. Aside from the fact that they’re quite costly and need to be purchased for each grade, I found them to be more stringent than what I was looking for. While doing some research on homeschooling programs, I came upon the Charlotte Mason … Continue reading

Why Drama is Important in Homeschooling

As I mentioned in the last homeschool blog post, Carnival of Educators -Drama Club Edition, I am in the middle of tech week for my kids Drama Club which is an extention of their once a week homeschool program. As a quick refresher, my kids attend Artios Academies which is a once a week homeschool program where kids learn about a different time period each year through the arts. (This post explains the program in more detail. You may notice there was a name change for the “school” my kids attend.) They study visual art, music, drama, dance, etc, of … Continue reading

Homeschooling makes them more successful

A big difference between public schools and homeschooling is that homeschoolers work to make sure all kids are successful, where public schools work to make sure a select few are successful. This might sound harsh, but shools tend to set a single standard that all kids must acheive or fail, while homeschoolers move the standard, or allow alterations of approach so that all kids can be successful. Some might argue that you can’t expect all kids to do well in school as you would get more of the “everyone wins” touchy-feely stuff that handicaps children. After all, what does an … Continue reading

Homeschooling Groups and Resources in Florida I-P

To succeed in homeschooling, it is in your best interest to get involved with other homeschoolers. You should join a homeschool network or group near you. For this reason, I have decided to give a full listing of homeschooling groups throughout each state. Florida is a state with a wealth of resources to compliment it’s large homeschool population. This installment includes homeschooling resources from Florida I-P. Learning & Families Home education with a decidedly Christian focus. Manatee/Sarasota LIFE of Central Florida Orlando – Learning in Freedom Everyday – an intentional community of diverse homeschooling families. Our membership gathers together for … Continue reading

Homeschooling Groups and Resources in Florida D-H

To succeed in homeschooling, it is in your best interest to get involved with other homeschoolers. You should join a homeschool network or group near you. For this reason, I have decided to give a full listing of homeschooling groups throughout each state. Florida is a state with a wealth of resources to compliment it’s large homeschool population. This installment includes homeschooling resources from Florida D-H. ExaminedLife The Examined Life is a support network for homeschooling families in Miami-Dade County, Florida. They also welcome families from Monroe and Broward. They provide park days, field-trips, an excellent enrichment co-op, several clubs, … Continue reading

African American Homeschooling, Increasing the Odds

According to the Manhattan Institute, The national graduation rate for the public school class of 2000 was 69%. The rate for white students was 76%; for Asian students it was 79%; for African-American students it was 55%; for Hispanic students it was 53%; and for Native Americans it was 57%. In addition, Florida had the lowest graduation rate among white public school students with 60%, followed by Tennessee, Georgia, and Alaska. (Black graudation rates are even lower) As a parent of black children living in Georgia, you could say that the odds really are against my kids. Now this is … Continue reading

Homeschoolers suspicious of Arne Duncan, the new Secretary of Education

It figures. Considering that the vast majority of homeschoolers are anti-Obama, it is not shocking that his pick of a fellow Chicagoan, and buddy as the Secretary of Education would be viewed with suspicion. I spent some time perusing the internet searching for some connection to Duncan and any mention of homeschooling and found nothing. I did however, find a few opinions by homeschoolers as to our chances with him in office. Spunkyhomeschool, probably the most popular homeschooling blog online and definitely one of influence pointed out Arne Duncan’s recommendation of a high school for gay students. She also questions … Continue reading

Types of Distance Learning Education

Distance learning or distance education is sometimes also considered home schooling. And while the two can overlap, they are really two different things. Usually home schooling is considered as instruction at home with a parent or tutor(s) and not associated with a school. With distance education, there is usually an outside instructor (as part of a formal school) that gives lessons, grades assignments and tests and sometimes interacts real time with a student, depending on the type of distance learning education course. This is the teacher mediated option (TMO), although the independent study option (ISO) is also considered distance learning. … Continue reading

More and More Black Families Homeschooling

When I wrote On Being an African American Homeschooler some time back, I wrote about how being a black homeschooler could be a lonely endeavor. I also dicussed reasons why more blacks did not homeschool such as cultural pressure, economic reasons, and educational background and how those factors kept African Americans in school despite of a huge achievement gap between blacks and white. Just two years later and the tide is beginning to turn. For the same reasons that I mentioned in the previous article, more and more black families are making the sacrifice to teach their kids at home. … Continue reading

Reports of Homeschooling are Greatly Exaggerated

Las Vegas Eyewitness News reported that more students are hitting the books online. They called it homeschooling. To be more specific, the report said, “Until recently, parents choosing to home school their children felt isolated — alone not only in their belief that it would be a better choice for their family, but also because there were precious few resources to help them. But that’s not the case anymore” And “Fifth grader Pierce and third grader Sierra are enrolled at the Nevada Connections Academy. NCA is an online public charter school accredited by the Nevada Department of Education. …”We have … Continue reading