The Lost Art of Handwriting

My daughter is brilliant, charming, athletic, scrumptiously cute… but not perfect. Despite all of her wonderful qualities (which surely she inherited from her mother… ahem!), she has some issues. It’s not her choice in music that I am referring to; rather, it’s her penmanship. My second grader’s handwriting leaves a lot to be desired. I’d flat out say it stinks, but she’s seven, so time is on her side. What’s more, I don’t want to deal with her wrath if there ever comes a day that she actually reads this post. Anyway, back to her pathetic penmanship. I could blame … Continue reading

I Scream

You will too after reading about a select group of upscale New York parents who thinks the world begins and ends in their little corner of Brooklyn. Yes, Park Slope parents are making national headlines again for yet another insanely absurd interpretation of one of life’s most basic rites of passages. I guess that’s what happens when you have big bucks and don’t have to take four modes of public transportation to three different part-time jobs that barely help you keep a roof over your kids’ heads and food on the table. Rich people problems; where do I sign-up for … Continue reading

The Buck Stops Here

(That was then) I’ve shared a lot about my daughter on this blog: Ladies and gentlemen: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Heck, I could go through the entire alphabet twice with the number of anecdotes I’ve posted detailing the trials and tribulations of raising a child in the 21st century. My precious peanut was barely two years old when I started writing here. She’s seven now… going on 17. (This is now) I’ve rarely censored myself while serving up slices of our suburban life. I didn’t really need to. After all, I never saw the … Continue reading

Are You Beyond the Bump?

You know you are done having children if… the only way you would welcome another baby into your family is if a stork delivered it. If… holding a deliciously cute 6-month-old doesn’t make your ovaries ache. If… coming across a bunch of onesies doesn’t trigger the ugly cry. While fellow blogger Angela is contemplating adding to her family, many other moms are anticipating the end of the childbirth era. So when do you really know when your family is complete? My friend always jokes that only one of her six kids was planned–the twin who is the better listener. After … Continue reading

Get Your Gobble On

Is there anything cuter than dressing up your little piggy as a turkey? When my daughter was a baby she really didn’t need to don a butterball costume to get into the holiday spirit. She could just show up to dinner with a few smears of gravy on her chubby cheeks and guests would know exactly which Thanksgiving dish she was masquerading as. Whether you want your child to sport a Tom the Bird getup to spice up your Thanksgiving dinner, your little guy just landed a starring role in his school’s Turkey Day play, or you just want him … Continue reading

Parents Against Ice Cream

Not just any ice cream, Ben and Jerry’s newest flavor: Schweddy Balls. Don’t let the name fool you, the limited edition ice cream doesn’t include the stench of perspiration. However, it does feature balls. Not those kind. Regardless, a conservative parent group doesn’t like the sound, taste or insinuation of Schweddy Balls and it wants you to hate the frozen treat too. The group, dubbed One Milllion Moms, is asking parents around the world to boycott the ice cream with the fetid sweat name. “The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive,” the … Continue reading

Bald and Beautiful

(My Michelin Man baby) My daughter was bald and beautiful for the first two years of her life. During that time I never once stuck a single pink bow on her noggin or dared place a bedazzled scalp-constricting headband around her halo of peach fuzz. This, despite the fact that my roly-poly, precious baby GIRL was regularly mistaken for a BOY. While other members of my family couldn’t stand that people thought my daughter was a boy, I wasn’t fazed in the least when strangers couldn’t properly identify her gender. There was no way that I was going to place … Continue reading

The Importance of Preserving Childhood Memories

Part of the reason (okay, one of the primary reasons) I blog is to chronicle some of the sweet or funny moments in my young daughter’s life. After all, she’s not a baby anymore. (Where did my baby go?) She will be seven soon. Seven. How did that happen? Sadly, some of the only solid memories I have of my daughter as a baby come from photos, a few scribbled journal entries, and these blog posts. I am hoping that she will remember all of the good times we shared together without the aid of printed posts, but alas that … Continue reading

Making Summer Memories

Time is ticking for work-at-home moms, who desperately try to generate an income in the hours that their children are in school. In a few short days, summer vacation will be here and routines and schedules will be replaced with utter chaos. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little… or not. In any event, as we kick-off the Memorial Day weekend, I thought it would be apropos to remind overworked and underappreciated parents that your kid’s childhood is disappearing right before your eyes. Soon that chubby baby will be a terrible two-year-old, who morphs into a sassy six-year-old, and then … Continue reading

The Day the World Didn’t End

That would be yesterday. Hello. Yup, I’m still here. My clothes are still on my body and not sitting in a pile on the sidewalk where I stood at six yesterday evening… though there’s still a pile of dirty dishes sitting in my kitchen sink. Who does dishes when the world is about to end? No mystic ascension into the clouds dressed in a white robe. In fact, the last time I sported a robe was when I was in the hospital giving birth to my daughter. Now that was heaven. Giving birth to a healthy baby, not the robe … Continue reading