The Frugal Blog Week in Review: Jan. 27 to Feb. 2

Hello there! It is a quiet Saturday evening on the day before the Superbowl. my husband is getting the last kid to bed, I’m listening to my new Nora Jones music, and I am seriously thinking of taking a nice hot bath. Before that, though, I wanted to bring you the week in review for the Frugal Living Blog. I know you read every blog faithfully, so I’ll just assume you want to reread them all again. Saturday, January 27 Save on Paper: Take Advantage of Junk Mail In an earlier blog, Save on Paper: The Three Best Ways, I … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review November 18-24

Welcome to the weekend and the end of the Thanksgiving week and the start of the holiday madness. Yesterday got us all of to a rousing start. For those of you who dived into the Black Friday shopping craziness, I feel your pain – I was out there too. In the meanwhile, this was a busy week in the Marriage blog with guest blogger Valorie Delp paying us a visit as well, if you didn’t get a chance to check out her blogs, I encourage you to do so, she’s a great writer and brings her own unique perspective into … Continue reading

Teach Your Kids How to Spot Fake News

Parents should give their children the tools they need to safely navigate their way through the plethora of information that can be found online. Teach them how to spot fake news. Fake news is an article, website, or social media post that was created with intentionally false information. It is usually designed to evoke a strong emotional response – which urges people to share the fake news on social media. Example: Someone made a Twitter account that used what looked a lot like the icon for the BBC. The fake account used a photo of the Queen of England and … Continue reading

Wintry Fantasies at the Disney Parks

Disneyland’s new Fantasy Faire doesn’t open until March 12, but details are starting to emerge about what the attraction will entail.  It draws some inspiration from Disney World’s Fantasyland expansion; the Faire as a whole will take the form of a medieval village.  That reminds me a lot of Belle’s village at the new Fantasyland. That shouldn’t be too surprising, because the Fantasy Faire is an expansion of Disneyland’s Fantasyland.  It’s not as large or ambitious as the one at Disney World, but it’s still going to be similar.  Unlike the one in Orlando, however, the one in Anaheim won’t … Continue reading

Holiday Jollies

  The best part of the holiday season is getting together with family and friends to share a few laughs.  Or, in some case, huge belly busters that have you rolling on the floor gasping for air. One of the simplest ways to share a seasonal smile is to tell a Christmas joke.  Kids and adults alike appreciate a good holiday riddle.  What’s more, clean, seasonal funnies can be added to Christmas cards, family newsletters or used as an ice breaker at a company party or family get-together.  If you are entertaining kids this month, consider printing out the following … Continue reading

Larry Hagman Dies at 81

Actor Larry Hagman passed away yesterday due to complications from throat cancer. He was 81. If you are close to my age (49), you may remember first seeing Hagman as Capt. Tony Nelson in “I Dream of Jeannie,” a slightly dumb, but popular show that ran from 1965 until 1970. Before that, he had appeared on television in shows such as “Sea Hunt” and “The Defenders,” but it was really “I Dream of Jeannie” that put Hagman on the map. After “Jeannie” ended, Hagman bounced around television, appearing in “Ellery Queen,” “Barnaby Jones,” and “The Rockford Files” while starring in … Continue reading

How to Save Money When Renting

Owning a home isn’t for everyone. Sometimes it just makes sense to rent instead. Still, since rent is often the biggest item on the budget, it is important to do what you can to save money while keeping a roof over your head. Negotiate Negotiating up front can save you the biggest chunk of cash. If you can negotiate to lower your monthly rent, you will continue to save as long as you are in the apartment or rental home. Your landlord may be more likely to negotiate if you are willing to take a longer lease, have an excellent … Continue reading

A Vampire Tragedy

I have several friends that have gotten all wrapped up in the “Twilight” series of books and movies. Team Edward and Team Jacob comments are thrown around on Facebook and many lament the end of the series with the upcoming The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, which comes out on November 16th. Now it seems as if the saga may not be the only thing ending. For what seems like years, the stars of the movie, Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson, have denied being in a relationship, despite the love between their on screen personas. Well, let me … Continue reading

That Crazy Jackson Family

If you thought Michael Jackson was the oddball of the Jackson family, you may be reconsidering that after this week’s Jackson family drama. First, it was reported that Katherine Jackson, guardian of Michael’s children, Prince, Paris, and Blanket, was missing last Saturday night by her nephew. The reason he filed the report was that the children said they had not heard from their grandmother. Jermaine said Katherine was in Arizona resting, but Paris insisted on Twitter that Katherine was missing and she hadn’t spoken to her in a week. Jermaine said his mother was resting per doctor’s orders, that she … Continue reading

A Growing Family

My daughter recently got married, I think I’ve touched on it before. It’s a new world for me, this empty nest thing. Hailey and I have been alone for such a long time, a little family island unto ourselves. Now, I have a son in law and she has a husband. Our family is pretty spread out, we are in Utah and most of our relatives are on the east coast. Holidays are usually spent with friends. Now Hailey’s family has expanded in ways I never even thought about. Today we went to a baby shower for Hailey’s sister in … Continue reading