Great Deals with Internet Printable Coupons

I found some really great deals lately I wanted to share with you. Starbucks Ice Cream is back, and Walmart has it at a great rollback price of $2.50 for a pint. Some of you had a $2.00 coupon in your Smart Source insert this Sunday, making it just 50 cents – and it is delicious. If you didn’t get the $2.00 insert coupon, print out the $1.50 coupon here. Some supermarkets are introducing these at Buy 1 Get 1 Free prices – and you can use two coupons for greater savings. Publix has a great rebate for a $10 … Continue reading

More Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Travelers

Believe it or not one of my brothers has not completed a lick of holiday shopping yet. I know this because he called me today asking what he should get my parents for Christmas. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s got a stressful job and very little free time. What’s more, I know he’s not alone… the world is filled with procrastinators and in their eyes they still have almost four full shopping days left before Christmas. With that in mind I offer these last-minute gift ideas for gift buyers looking to fulfill the needs and wants of the … Continue reading

It’s Conference Weekend and Time to Rotate Your Emergency Kits!

A great time to rotate your emergency kits is conference weekend. Many of the supplies that you store in your emergency kit are best rotated every six months. You can use the snack food as treats while you watch conference. You can also use the time to rotate the clothes from clothing for warm weather to clothing for cooler weather. While you are looking at your food supplies, check to see if your medication and first aid supplies need to be updated. This is fairly easy to do. If you do not have your entire kit together you can add … Continue reading

Household Product Recalls

There are so many innovative household products available today, that homeowners could purchase a never-ending supply. Each day, new and exciting technology, gadgets, and other implements are invented and marketed to homeowners. Probably the most popular are those intended to make life easier in some way. I have a dust pan that lies flat on the floor and features a long handle, so you don’t have to bend over to collect debris after sweeping. What a great idea! It’s convenient and affordable, and a perfect example of a household product that sells because its simple. However, not all products are … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: Jan. 28 – Feb. 3, 2007

I’ve noticed some new members and I would like welcome each of you. I’d like to thank you and our regular readers for being a part of our community and for reading and commenting on the blogs. We appreciate your input, so please don’t hesitate to ask questions or share your thoughts. Marjorie, Michele, and I hope you enjoyed the articles this week, and just in case you missed anything, here is a list for the week. All the January articles are linked and you can find the February 1-3 articles in the February 2007 Archives. January 28 Family Issues: … Continue reading

Bear With Me…Just a Short Vent About “Mentality”

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be snobby or anything but people who think $8/hour is “great money” are forever destined to be poor and desperate. That’s just life folks. I’m amazed at how defensive people are about it, too”. First of all, let me start by telling you that I am going to vent tonight. While I try to use my blogging job as an opportunity to inspire and encourage other home-based moms (and dads), I am annoyed tonight and need to let off a bit of steam. I am an active member of a work-at-home forum where someone … Continue reading

Using Your Freezer to Store Foods

Maybe you are interested in the idea of storing food for emergencies, but you have a hard time with the limitations of storing only nonperishable food items. Perhaps it is time to consider adding another facet to your food storage plan: utilizing foods stored in the freezer. Storing foods in the freezer opens up the idea of storing a vaster array of foods, including meats and pre-made, home-cooked meals. Maybe the idea of storing foods in the freezer makes you nervous. You may consider what might happen in case of a long power outage, where your freezer would eventually get … Continue reading

Protecting Your Food Storage

Once you have begun your food storage you will want to protect it from pests and other risks that can spoil your food. You do not want to find that all the money and time you have spent collecting the food has gone to waste because the food was stored improperly. Here are three easy ways to protect your food. The type of food you are storing determines the best way to store it. If you are storing grains, flour, sugar or dry goods you will want to store these foods in an airtight container, made specifically for storing food. … Continue reading

Purchasing A Home Air Purifier–Part 2

In “Purchasing A Home Air Purifier—Part 1,” I went over some of the reasons why a home air cleaner is a good investment. In Part Two we tackle the question: “How can you tell if the air purifier you are buying is going to work or do the job it is intended to do?” To answer that question we need to review the different filtration methods each system uses. Long ago the standard of effectiveness for eliminating dust particles was set by the HEPA system, which eliminates particles that average .3 micron in size. This is the particle size most … Continue reading

Hurricanes: Planning for Your Family’s Safety

The first step in preparing for a hurricane is to have a plan for your family. You need to decide what you are going to do in the event of a hurricane. In some areas and instances you may decide to ride it out. In other cases you may decide that you want to evacuate. If there is a mandatory evacuation, please do so. The lives of your family members are so much more important than any possessions that you may lose as a result of a hurricane. If you are in area where it is safe to stay during … Continue reading