The Tea Context

I drink a lot of tea. This is my drink of choice. I don’t do it for health reasons exactly (we drink organic coffee and tea though) and I don’t particularly like herbal “tea” (as it often has no tea to speak of) but I do drink a lot of tea. I mean it: A LOT. At all hours of the day and with great frequency. This means that I’ve got a tea kettle on for most of the day. Tea kettles whistle. Timers (for brewing time) beep. There is, in modern times, a lot of noise surrounding the process … Continue reading

Adjusting Your Home Based Business to Meet Your Needs

One of the benefits of working from home is that as your needs change, you can change your work to fit them. The changes can be large or small, gradual or sudden, but the point is that you are in control of what you do when and for whom. This means that you have the power to make changes if you realize that doing things differently will be beneficial for you and for your family. During the time that I have been a home-based professional, I have made some changes to my work. Some things have remained constant, but some … Continue reading

Are You a Ride or Die Woman?

Are you a ride or die woman? I watched an infuriating episode of Dr. Phil last week that was on this topic. A ride or die woman is basically one who stays by her man no matter what. While that sounds great and I am definitely all for keeping a marriage together, there are limits. The woman on this show was refusing to leave her husband who had cheated on her numerous times. There was also no indication that he would stop. Yet she wasn’t willing to leave him because she loves him and she didn’t want her son to … Continue reading

Do You Give Expecting Something in Return?

I found out from watching “The View” this week that GQ magazine came out with an article about a couple who bargain for sex. He does certain chores in exchange for sex. There are a couple of ways to look at this. If you really want to find something good about it, I guess you can understand how it meets each other’s needs. She needs help around the house and he needs…well, we know the answer to that one. But why does it have to be a bargaining tool? Why can’t couples just meet each other’s needs without it being … Continue reading

Challenging Family Dynamics

It’s Memorial Day as I write this blog and although we have our meal planned out for the day, which includes my husband grilling and me making potato salad and desserts, we don’t know who is going to come over. We have sort of an interesting family dynamic. My husband’s brother married my sister, so our families are very closely intertwined. It can be good in many ways but it can also be a huge challenge in other ways. Without going into the details, let’s just say that getting together as a family isn’t always easy. People sometimes have their … Continue reading

It’s the Small Things That Sometimes Mean the Most

Photo by w1n → in Flowers There are moments in a marriage where a very small thing means so much. This past Wednesday I attended a Bible study at my church. It’s a new series on how to stay in love in marriage. The pastor who was leading it shared a story about what may seem to us an insignificant moment, but to him deepened his love for his wife even greater. I had the same kind of moment as well. It was on Monday when my husband and I spent the day at Children’s Hospital. Our 12-year-old son had … Continue reading

Do Better Photos Mean Better Pages?

There are many times when I look at someone else’s scrapbook page and think, “Wow! That’s gorgeous!!” Then, I take a second look, and start analyzing (like I so often do) what exactly makes the page look so beautiful. Many times, I realize it is not necessarily the skills of the scrapper, or the great materials they used, but it is simply a great picture. I sometimes feel jealous that I don’t have a better camera. I imagine how magnificent my pages could be if I had a $1500 camera that took perfect pictures no matter how bad the photographer … Continue reading

Happy Passengers

We live kind out in the middle of nowhere. No matter where we are headed, there’s always at least a 15 minute drive involved. We live a half hour away from one set of grandparents and an hour from the other. Needless to say, our toddler has grown accustomed to riding in the car for long periods of time. He still gets restless sometimes, however, so we have come up with a few tricks to keep him occupied and happy during a quick (or long) trip. It helps if your child can have a special toy or lovey that she … Continue reading

Do You Feed Your Dog People Food?

Not as innocent as she looks I’ve always fallen somewhere in the middle ground of the should dogs have people food debate, between those I know who never let their dogs have the smallest morsel of human food, and those who (and I’ve actually seen this) will feed their pets several hot dogs at a cookout. I think my stance on the issue was born in part out of laziness. Having a dog has certainly ruined me when it comes to cleaning up after myself in the kitchen. Whenever food falls to the floor during meal preparation, my first instinct … Continue reading


There is a joke that appeared in the film “10 Things I Hate About You” where they note that the word “whelmed” doesn’t really communicate anything by itself in common usage. It must be adorned with a prefix (over or under) for the word to carry meaning for most people. While the word does exist (go ahead and do a web search) and does carry meaning (essentially that of “overwhelmed”) it was the first word I thought of yesterday when trying to define the feeling I was experiencing: Whelmed (read: overwhelmed). My reasons will be different than yours (qualifying exams, … Continue reading