Find What You Love and Then Make It

Last summer, you would find us making a trip, almost every Saturday morning, to the local farmer’s market. In addition to the fresh fruit and vegetables, we would inevitably pick up a few snacks as well, especially scones. The problem is that one small package of two scones was priced at $5, and we needed several for our family, so this added up to about $20 for eight scones each week. This year, everyone still looked forward to scones, but instead of purchasing the scones, I decided to make them from scratch. Since I didn’t want to spend a lot … Continue reading

Money Saving Idea: Throw a College Trunk Party

A college trunk party can help your student gather all of the items that he or she will need for college, keep you on budget and give everyone a reason to celebrate the milestone of going into higher learning. Friends and relatives enjoy college trunk parties, because it gives them a chance to wish their student well, all while giving them a tangible way to help during this exciting milestone. At a trunk party, guests celebrate and bring gifts that a college student might need, such as gas cards, bedding, school supplies, dorm decor, etc. First, purchase a large college … Continue reading

Cleaning Out the Car

You know that things are bad in your car when a ten-year-old complains that it is gross. We have had a couple of strange weeks, so my normal policy of having everyone grab at least three things that don’t belong each time they leave the car just wasn’t working. I hit the last straw yesterday when two things occurred: my daughter pulled out an old and yellowed cheese stick from behind a seat, and the carpooling kids didn’t want to put on their seat belts because they were afraid of all of the crumbs. “They are huge crumbs. It isn’t … Continue reading

Home Makeover Layouts

Not everyone is in a position to purchase a new home right now; however, that shouldn’t stop you from documenting any improvements you make to your current abode. Each year our neighbors spend their tax return on home improvements. Two years ago they refurbished their kitchen, last year they purchases new windows for the entire house and this summer they are giving their master bathroom a facelift. Given her passion for scrapbooking, it’s no surprise that each time my neighbor embarks on a redo the process ends up as the subject of yet another memory album. Personally, I think scrapbooking … Continue reading

Freebies For You – Week of May 22, 2012

Everyone loves to find a good freebie! A freebie lets you try out something that is new to you without having to spend any money in order to do it. My personal favorite freebies are the ones for free food, but it is also great to find freebies for other, random, things. Some of the freebies in this blog are for a limited time only, so grab them while you can. 7-11 is doing a “SlurpFREE Day” on May 23, 2012. No coupon is required. Go to your nearest participating 7-11 on May 23, 2012 between 11:00 in the morning … Continue reading

Can’t Escape the Reality of Infidelity

It’s all around us every single day. Go to the grocery store, look at the magazines and you’ll see at least one reference to cheating. Turn on the television and you’ll soon hear about someone cheating on someone else or see the act in some show or movie. It doesn’t ever go away. The only possible way to avoid the reality of a world of cheaters is to shut yourself up in a cave and never come out again. But then again, your thoughts would still remind you of how cruel some people can be to one another. I often … Continue reading

Infidelity in the Media

I was watching TV with my husband the other night and I was so upset over all the mentions of infidelity in the matter of only a few minutes. We were watching The Office and if you watch this show, you know that Jim is going on the business trip to Florida with everyone and so is the intern. Of course, you see her on the phone with someone saying that his relationship with Pam isn’t going well, even though they just had a new baby, and that she believes they will hook up on the trip. Then there is … Continue reading

Advancing Your Photography Career

News about a recovering economy means little to freelance photographers struggling to find enough work to feed their families. Even when times are good, it is very challenging to find decent work as a freelancer. Photojournalists especially find that competition is tough and that there are far more applicants than available jobs. That said, if you are exceptional at your craft there are ways to profit from your passion. Talent is a huge factor in the world of photojournalism. However, there are other factors that will help you advance in the market. For example, the niche you select could mean … Continue reading

Music Therapy Benefits Children With Special Needs

Music is powerful. It can evoke strong emotions, inspire people to dance, and bring back memories of the past. There are many ways that music therapy can help children who have a special need. Parents interested in having their child try music therapy should seek out a licensed music therapist. Music therapy is an evidence based use of music interventions in order to assist a child with accomplishing specific goals. People who are licensed music therapists are part of an established health profession. The music therapist and the child he or she is working with will use this therapeutic relationship … Continue reading

Why I Wouldn’t Want to Marry a Prince

I am officially over it and it hasn’t even taken place yet. Of course I’m talking about the royal wedding, which I am doing my level best to ignore. But it is not easy. TV stations here are obsessed with it. I have no doubt the magazine market is too but since I don’t buy magazines and haven’t been near a supermarket or shop in over ten days, I wouldn’t know. It seems to me though that marrying a prince would be awful. Why? I’ll tell you. Firstly you’d live your whole life in the public eye with everyone watching … Continue reading