Moving With Baby

My husband and I are thinking of moving again. This time, it will not be a cross-country move, but probably somewhere close. We have moved a lot in our marriage, and are currently living somewhere the longest we’ve ever lived in one home since we got married 10 years ago. We have only lived here 2.5 years, and I’m getting the itch to move. Moving with a baby is hard, though. In fact, I get a little nostalgic every time we move because my babies are growing up so fast. I remember when we moved out of our tiny 2 … Continue reading

When You’re Ready to Lose the Baby Weight

My baby is 9 months old, and I just recently started a diet. I hate diets. But, I’m motivated to lose that baby weight. In the past, I was motivated a little sooner than 9 months. I guess this time around it took me a little longer to get motivated because of the diet restrictions I had while I was nursing the first 5 months. Being deprived of so many foods was hard for me, so I was in no hurry to deprive myself again. But, as I stepped on the scales, and saw myself in pictures, I realized that … Continue reading

Baby Obstacle Course

Now that my daughter has developed all sorts of mobile skills in the last few weeks, she is finding that her brother is a big advocate for her mobile adventures. What started as playing under tables and moving obstacles blocking the stairs, has turned into game with endless possibilities. My son has very astutely observed that his sister likes to crawl under, through, around, and over lots of things. He seems to be fascinated with the ways in which his sister gets around to get what she wants. With this knowledge and his own sense of adventure, he started moving … Continue reading

Baby’s 9 Month Well Visit

So, yesterday, my baby had his 9 month well child visit at the pediatrician’s office. The 9 month visit is usually an easy one because no vaccines are involved. So, there was a lot of just talking and visiting with the pediatrician. My baby put on the charms. He was laughing and smiling like crazy at the doctor who has a habit of working hard to get the smiles out of my kids. He acts pretty silly at times, and that is something my kids love. We also discussed eating. Solids have been a little bit of a challenge for … Continue reading

Road Trip with Baby

As if traveling last month with my baby on his first plan trip wasn’t enough, we decided to make a big road trip last week to the beautiful Lake Tahoe for a family member’s wedding. I knew my older two children would be easily entertained in the car with movies and my iPod, but was really worried about how my 9 month old would do. The only other car trip that we went on with him since he was born, was about a 4 hour trip. This one was much longer (closer to 9 hours), but on that 4 hour … Continue reading

What Are Your Baby’s Favorites?

They say that every baby is born with a unique and distinct personality. After having 3 babies myself, I can definitely say that is true. One of the fun things about this stage that my baby is in is that we see more of his personality a little bit each day. I love it. Along with a personality comes a baby’s likes and dislikes, and believe it or not, babies even have “favorites” at this stage. Of course, as baby grows, his favorite things will grow and change too. But, sometimes, they will stay the same. What is your baby’s … Continue reading

My Best Use It Up Ideas

Extend the life of common household consumables, from laundry detergent to cleaning wipes with my best use it up ideas. You’ll save more, spend less and have fewer trips to the grocery store. Cleaning Wipes/Baby Wipes It is inevitable that once you use that last wipe up, you still have a nice little pile of cleaning solution left in the container. Take advantage of the extra cleaner to get another five or six wipes, more cleaning than you expected. Simply detach a few paper towels and put them in the solution where they will soak it up and be as … Continue reading

My Son’s Birthday Party Part I

Summertime is a very busy birthday season for our family. My husband, son, and I all have summer birthdays. We also have six other extended family members (siblings and parents) that have summer birthdays. Combine the birthdays with the other summertime celebrations (like the Fourth of July) and we get a summer full of parties! We recently celebrated our son’s third birthday. We had a very nice and intimate party with just our family (mommy, daddy, birthday boy, and baby sister) on the morning of our son’s birthday. Daddy had to leave for work mid morning, so I planned a … Continue reading

When Baby Has Surgery

Last week, my sweet baby had to have surgery. Without writing about anything too personal, I will say it was something that was considered very “routine” and it was a same-day procedure. However, when your sweet baby has to have something like surgery, it is never routine. At least, not for the mama. I knew that he would have to have this surgery since he was born, but I was trying to not think about it. But, before I knew it, it was time to make that appointment. But, it was still a month away, so again, I put it … Continue reading

When Baby Sleeps Through the Night for the First Time

All of my kids have been so different when it comes to sleep. My first sucked her thumb, and therefore started sleeping through the night around 4 months old. My second didn’t sleep through the night until about 18 months old due to his tummy issues. Last night, my little man slept for 9 hours straight. This was the first time this had happened. I was thrilled and jumping for joy! (Actually, I was sleeping). Am I hoping that this trend continues? Absolutely. Am I counting on it? No. I’ve written before about sleeping through the night and how I … Continue reading