Don’t Eliminate the Entertainment Budget

Often, when times are economically tight, as they are now for most of us, the entertainment or fun budget is the first thing to go. Just because there is less money available, doesn’t mean that there has to be less fun. Do Put Something in the Budget for Entertainment Designate some amount for family fun, even if it is only limited to $20 a month or even less. Budgeting for entertainment sends the message that family fun is important, even when it isn’t expensive. If you create a zero-based family fun budget you may wind up indulging anyway, and blowing … Continue reading

Freebies That are Good For Your Health

It feels pretty good to find an interesting, useful, freebie. It is also good for your wallet, because you don’t have to pay in order to enjoy the item that is being given away for free. Sometimes, freebies can actually be good for your health. Here is a batch of freebies that have something to do with staying healthy. Minute Clinic will give you a coupon for a free travel-size CVS/pharmacy Brand Sunscreen. To get it, you must click “like” on their Facebook page. This is a limited time offer, and will end at 11:59 PM ET on August 14, … Continue reading

Where Will You Spending Memorial Day?

If you are like the majority of Americans, you will be waking up in your own bed on Memorial Day… or on your relative’s couch. According to a new survey, most families won’t be traveling too far from home during the holiday weekend, and of those taking to the skies, rails or highways, less than 40 percent plan to spend the night in hotels, motels or inns. Respondents to Atmosphere Research Group’s online poll say they plan to stay with family or friends rather than forking over money to sleep at a hotel. Others say they plan to stay at … Continue reading

The Road to Zero Credit Card Debt

If you are like the tens of millions of Americans, who have racked up large credit card debt since the economy took a dive, you may be wondering how to dig yourself out of the abyss of hopelessness. Many financial experts advise against debt consolidation unless you can find a very low interest rate. Instead, their method of choice is to systematically and aggressively pay down the accounts beginning with the ones that have the highest interest rates. Regardless of what method you employ, financial experts warn that you will never truly be debt free unless you analyze your spending … Continue reading

Apps That Are Tools For Children With Autism

There are many apps that have been designed to help children who have an autism spectrum disorder communicate, learn social skills, or predict the order of their day. You may have heard about iPads being used with children who have autism in special needs classrooms. In addition to iPads, you can also find these types of apps for iPod, iPhone, and Android devices, as well as on your computer. Earlier this year, a website called Apps for Kids With Special Needs held a contest where they gave away tons of apps to parents of children who had special needs, and … Continue reading

Can’t Stop Staring At the Screen

One of the signs that a child might have ADHD is that the child has extreme difficulties with concentration. This doesn’t mean that he or she is never able to focus on anything, ever, though. Kids who have ADHD often find it easy to focus on information that is on a television or computer screen. It may sound contradictory, but there are some good reasons why this happens. Children who have ADHD often find it difficult to concentrate when they are in a school environment. This is one of the first signs of ADHD that a teacher will pick up … Continue reading

Disney Launches New Digital Books Website

Books are the latest digital trend. From the Kindle to downloadable PDF novels, it’s increasingly possible to read just about everything online. Disney Publishing Worldwide is one of the latest companies to jump on the bandwagon, launching the new Disney Digital Books website. After logging on to the site, kids can access hundreds of books based on familiar Disney characters. They can also create a customizable profile, entering their age and listing their favorite books. Stories at all reading levels are provided. For example, beginner books feature Winnie the Pooh or the Little Mermaid. Meanwhile, more advanced readers may choose … Continue reading

Do Time Outs Really Work With Toddlers?

Not if you ask Alfie Kohn. The know-it-all… I mean, child behavior expert and author… recently wrote a piece in the New York Times admonishing parents who punish their children for bad behavior AND those who reward their children for good behavior. According to Kohn, parents who reward or punish their children are sending a message that love is dependent on behavior: “Turn up the affection when they’re good, withhold affection when they’re not.” So, no time outs and no gold stars. I guess Kohn just wants us to let our rule-ignoring kids run around hog wild and never suffer … Continue reading

Greatest American Dog: Further Criticisms about the Show

One of the reality TV shows I ended up enjoying the most was Kid Nation. I wish the Greatest American Dog had a format more like that. Why I Liked Kid Nation I was not expecting to like the show. A bunch of kids forming their own society? Um, yeah, I couldn’t see how that’d be interesting. So I didn’t watch. But Wayne did. He DVRd the first episode and was raving so much about it curiosity won out. I watched and fell in love with those kids. It was hard not to be impressed by so many of them. … Continue reading

Chore Wars: A New Way to Do Housework

Is there a way to making cleaning more fun? When I first heard of Chore Wars, I admit that I was a little skeptical. Sure, it might be effective for a day or two, but would it really have any long-term effect on the housework? In this blog post, I’ll share information about Chore Wars. What is Chore Wars? Chore Wars is an online “game” that keeps track of chores that you do around the house and rewards you in a very simplified manner. It uses a sort of Dungeons and Dragons type model in that you form a party … Continue reading