The New December Coupons have Arrived!

Does your family look forward to going grocery shopping, or do they see it as a really boring chore? Either way, coupons can make the experience a little bit better. The calendar flipped over, and has brand new December coupons for you! Every so often, I get an email from The most recent one was an announcement. Their new December coupons have arrived and are available right now! The cute little picture in the email this time was a cartoon snowman. The accompanying text reads: “Merry and Bright – Put the happy in your holidays with our freshest … Continue reading

Coupons for Kellogg’s, Starbucks, Angel Soft, and More!

There’s no way around it. Eventually, you are going to have to go grocery shopping. Frugal families know that coupons are a great way to save money on groceries. Here’s a batch of coupons from that will help you. sends me email with links to a bunch of featured coupons. They have been putting an amusing little picture at the top of each email. This time, there are three gingerbread man cookies, (in different shades). The wording says: “The More the Merrier!” It is followed with: “’Tis the season for holy jolly savings.” If you use all of … Continue reading

Plastic vs Reusable

Los Angeles just became the largest city to vote ban the use of plastic bags. Los Angeles alone uses 2.3 billion plastic shopping bags a year and only about 5% are recycled. What does this mean to the rest of us? It means that the times, they are a changing and we need to adapt. I’ve long been a fan of reusable shopping bags. Mine are about two years old now and almost embarrassing to use. I need to make some new ones. I don’t like bringing home plastic bags so I try to always have one in my purse, … Continue reading

Baby Products You Don’t Need

If you are expecting your first child, you may be in the process of creating a baby registry. By now, you have probably noticed that there are so many baby products out there. You are also probably wondering which ones you really need and which you could do without. This is, of course, a matter of personal opinion. The following items are things that I think most people will be just fine without. They are items that I either did not register for or never bought after either of my sons were born. A baby bathtub was given to me, … Continue reading

Adventures of a Beginning Couponer Part 4

Today I took my couponing skills for a test drive to my local Shaws supermarket. When we arrived at the store, Dylan and I went to pick out his bagel. He likes to chew on a bagel or a piece of fruit while we shop, so I always ask him when we get to the store which one he wants. He had just finished an apple before we left for the store, so I was not surprised that he wanted the bagel. Bagel in hand, we went about picking up the items on my list. As I had mentioned yesterday, … Continue reading

Rain Rain Go Away, Part 2

Recently we got caught in the rain when we were leaving a store after an awesome play day. I hate rain with every fiber of my being. I’m a Southern California native with an end of July birthday. I love the sun and the heat. California and Texas are both draught states that need rain. I know we need rain desperately, but I still hate rain. I especially hate being caught in the rain with an infant and a toddler. I was not prepared for the downpour we found ourselves in after a successful shopping trip at Kohl’s. I got … Continue reading

Toys Can Be Family Treasures

Throughout the generations, there are some things that have remained constant. One of these things is that children enjoy playing with toys. Sure, the toys have changed over the years, but wherever there is a child there are likely to be at least a few toys around. Despite the fact that toys are often well-worn and well-loved by the time a child outgrows them, they are often handed down for younger siblings or cousins to enjoy. Sometimes, parents even keep a few of their children’s toys around the house so that when grandchildren come along, they can enjoy them too. … Continue reading

Oh Baby, What a Deal!

Do you have a baby in your life? If so, chances are you love showering her with all the wonderful baby clothes and toys that are on the market today. Or maybe you’re the lucky mother or father of an adorable baby and you’re constantly in the process of stocking up on the necessities that your bundle of joy requires. Either way, today is your lucky day because this post is dedicated to online coupon codes offered by retailers of baby products. Shopping online for baby products is the ultimate in convenience. That’s especially true for parents of newborns, who … Continue reading

Time Savings Tips to Prep Your House for Baby

Getting ready for a baby in your home involves more than just baby-proofing. Sure, locking away dangerous cleaners, protecting electrical outlets and blocking stairs are all good ideas, but you will discover that adding convenience for your sake will help you keep your sanity. Taking care of a baby takes up a lot of time, so anything you can do now that can save you time later will make mommy-hood that much easier. 1. Cut down on the time it takes to clean your hardwood, tile or linoleum floors by investing in a quality steam mop, if you don’t already … Continue reading

The Best Green Intentions Can Sometimes Go Awry

So much of green living seems to be a fad or at least tied up with marketing. For example, you can buy organic disposable diapers. Hmm, why not use cloth diapers instead? Although as Colin Beaven, the No Impact Man wrote in his book, “I have to choose between the “angel twist, the ‘newspaper fold,’ the ‘reverse newspaper fold’; the ‘thigh fold,’ and on and one. All I want to do is contain my child’s poop, but apparently I’m learning origami.” And yes, cloth diapers can still have an impact on the environment. We can also buy organic cleaners that … Continue reading