Sacrifice Now or Sacrifice Later

If you are struggling to find the inspiration or reason to begin taking control of your finances you ought to think about the freedom that being debt free with a large savings account will allow you to accomplish. You will have the means and ability to do the things that matter most to you. Here are some examples of dreams that were realized as a result of being financial responsible. 1) I know one couple who was able to completely quit their jobs for a year. They used this time to tour the United States (you could choose Europe or … Continue reading

Money Week in Review July 23-July 28

If you are interested in learning more about how credit works you should watch the documentary of “Maxed Out.” Miriam gives her take on the film and what you can gain by watching it in “A Review of Maxed Out.” Do you feel like your cars are costing you too much? Debbie offers some great advice on things to consider on how much you really spend on cars. Be sure to read Car Payments to make sure you are making the best decisions for your family. In Your Personal Beliefs and Your Money Miriam talks about how your beliefs can … Continue reading

Your Personal Beliefs and Your Money

When it comes to financial decisions and your personal political, social and religious beliefs, do your money habits fall in line? These are, of course, personal decisions. However your beliefs can easily affect how you choose to spend your money. You may choose to spend more on certain items, because you feel strongly about the benefits of doing so, or you may choose to save on others areas because you do not feel that you should support certain organizations. One area that many people choose to spend more money on is organic food. Organic food generally costs more, although there … Continue reading

Who Will Be In Heaven?

There are many who feel Christians who proclaim their beliefs of what the Bible says in regard certain sin come off as judgmental. It is true many Christians are like this. I personally don’t ever want to come across as anything extra special as a Christian because apart from Christ, I am hell bound. None of us should speak out on such things without humility remembering not one of us is without sin and each one of us need Jesus. I’ve compiled a list of many of the sins mentioned in the Bible that prevent the entrance of a person … Continue reading

Alternative Medicine and Your Doctor

Alternative medicine is gaining in popularity. It comes in all sizes, shapes and colors. As we learn about it’s diversity and benefits, more and more Americans are giving it a try. Let’s face it, as a whole we’re a very unhealthy bunch. We are beginning to recognize that, and some of us look for more “natural” ways to reclaim our bodies than others. Most people, I think, try to strike a balance between the medical world and our alternative worlds. The bad part is we don’t always tell our medical doctors what else we are doing and vise-versa. That can … Continue reading

Value Of Children Decreasing

It is interesting to note that the value of children seems to be decreasing in the United States. According to the US Census in 1965 the average family with children had 2.44 children. In 2005 the number had dropped to 1.82 children. That means there are an increasing number of families with only one child or no children at all. So why is there a decreased rate in the number of children being born? Kenneth Davison, who has a master in Theological Studies, attributes it to three main beliefs that permeate today’s society: 1. Marriage is focused on the good … Continue reading

Senate Votes & Marriage

Anytime the words senate vote and marriage come up in the same sentence, I get concerned. My concern is that I don’t want the government regulating my private life. I don’t want them legislating my choices either. However, the biggest issue I have with the marriage legislation is that it opens a potential can of worms that may cause far more problems and injuries to the nation than it protects values. The Value of Marriage I wrote a blog months ago that indicated that the greatest threat to marriage wasn’t same-gender marriages, but rather divorce. When our government focuses time, … Continue reading