Teaching a Child Respect

Unfortunately, the one lesson that many children could afford to learn is about respect. Some children grow up throwing temper tantrums, hitting, biting, talking back, and kicking, which are certainly not acceptable behaviors. When a two-parent family suddenly becomes a one-parent family, a normal quiet child may begin to show signs of disrespect of a child already struggling with respect may become much worse. Although you need to put a stop to this, you also want to be careful that you understand your child’s feelings and needs during this difficult time. I have personally watched kids that seem immune to … Continue reading

Toddler Tips: Taming the Savage Beast

We talked about tempering toddler tantrums earlier and while you will learn very quickly what works with your little one, here are a few other tips for taming some of the behavior your toddler may exhibit. It’s important to remember, even when you are verging on ripping your own hair out, that toddlers do not necessarily know right from wrong. That’s what we are teaching them. So with that in mind, here are some toddler tips for taming them and teaching them at the same time: Scribbles – Your toddler loves to draw, on paper, on furniture, on their toys, … Continue reading

Stay In Control – Toddler Trouble

The Terrible Twos have their name for a reason, but toddlers can often be terrible before and after two – it just seems that two is the average age that most toddlers start to get into trouble. The cause of the trouble is usually your baby’s bids for independence. Babies are intensely curious and what they are most curious about is the world around them and how they can get to it. Maintain Your Calm It’s important to remember that while your baby may have already learned the word no and understands your tone of voice – they are not … Continue reading

“You’re not my BOSS!” Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Our family was on vacation, and my nine-year-old stepdaughter was up to her usual antics. It started with teasing her brother. As he screamed, I called her out of the room and made her sit at the kitchen table next to me. She began to get very mouthy and rude. I then had her sit on a chair, away from the activity of the family, for twenty minutes. That’s when she began a tirade of dramatic remarks, namely that I hated her, the whole family hated her, and that she was “always punished for no reason.” She screamed, stomped her … Continue reading